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Voter fraud is here to stay.
The Supreme Court decided to not hear the election fraud cases. Which is hilarious, considering the argument for doing so was that it is now “moot”.
So before the election, we have no standing. After the election, it’s already moot.
Great logic, SC.
You guys certainly aren’t controlled by the centralizers.
The people failing to realize this falls on political lines at this point are blind:
The same would occur with election fraud. The centralizers commit fraud on a massive level – no investigation. If we had one ballot that was questionable in our favor – the entire DHS would be mobilized to investigate every single dust particle of evidence.
It’s not like we don’t have evidence to at least get us a hearing at the SC. Hell, even months ago I had just the following on my website alone:
This isn’t even including the new stuff that I’ve been collecting. Including the following:
Michigan Removed 177,000 Voters from Voter Rolls in January After Certifying Biden Won Michigan by 154,000 Votes in NovemberMichigan now admits after ‘certifying’ the 2020 Presidential election, that more voters should be removed from their voter rolls than there were votes won by Joe Biden in the race. Mixed with other suspected fraud, (like 141,000 ballot drops at 6am the day after the election) all the ballots in this state should be forensically audited to determine the full extent of the election fraud.
There was so much fraud in Michigan in the 2020 election it is difficult to know where to start. There were late-night ballot dumps in Michigan like other states:
There were vans delivering ballots in the early morning after the election under the Detroit TFC Center where votes were being counted:
Republicans were harassed and prevented from viewing the ballot counting in the same TFC center the next day. When finally some Republican observers forced their way into the room they found the poll workers counting Xerox copies of military ballots all for Biden:
THEY GOT CAUGHT: Dominion Owned Machines Removed 6% of Votes from Each Windham, New Hampshire GOP Candidate – Same Machines Used in 85% of Towns (VIDEO REPORT FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE)Here is a major update to our report on Wednesday on voter fraud in New Hampshire.As we previously reported —
A recent hand recount in the Rockingham District 7 NH House Race in Windham, New Hampshire, found that the Dominion-owned voting machines shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN by roughly 300 votes.The Dominion machine counted results were wrong for all 4 Republicans in Windham by almost exactly 300 votes.
What Democrats did was skim 6% off each GOP candidate in each race where there was a recount.
This MUST BE investigated if we can EVER trust our election process again!
Despite these recent findings New Hampshire Attorney General Anne Edwards, a Republican, has no plans to investigate the alleged voter fraud in the state.
Exclusive: The TCF Center Election Fraud – Newly Discovered Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Tens of Thousands of Illegal Ballots 8 Hours After Deadline
On Tuesday, November 3rd President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in the swing state of Michigan by over 100,000 votes. This appeared to be another solid win for President Trump in Michigan with a greater margin than his 2016 victory. The ballot counting in Detroit, Michigan on election night took place at the TCF Center, formerly known as Cobo Hall.
This is the site where Detroit City Officials put cardboard over the windows to prevent the GOP observers from seeing in, where poll workers were militantly hostile to the GOP observers, and where hundreds of affidavits by election observers claim they witnessed voter fraud.
At least three election observers testified in sworn affidavits that they witnessed vehicles delivering fraudulent ballots to the TCF Center early in the morning on November 4th.
Michigander Shane Trejo witnessed the 3:30 am Biden Ballot Drop that gave Joe Biden an outstanding lift. “There were thousands of ballots in each box,” Trejo says. “There were at least 50 boxes that I saw unloaded at 3:30 am, well after the 8:00 pm deadline for ballots to show up.”
Michigan Completes Another Garbage Audit Wasting Time and Resources Performing Procedures Which Will Never Address 2020 Election Fraud
The audits being performed by the states since the election will never identify the suspected fraud identified in the election. They are being performed by biased individuals using sampling methods that may be suspect while ignoring the areas where fraud is suspected.
These audits are worthless and a waste of time and resources which are better spent elsewhere. Their only purpose is to greenlight election results full of suspected fraud.In this day and age, we have the ability to perform audits of an entire population of ballots and determine their validity based on paper, ink, and other parameters.
These real audits are not even being considered by politicians and election commissions across the country. These audits would address fraudulent absentee ballots included in election results. Maybe both Democrats and Republicans don’t want to know the truth?
Even Steven Crowder sent people to Vegas and Detroit to match voter registrations to actual voter addresses. Their voting addresses were empty parking lots. That’s surely a reliable vote.
But we better not investigate it. Or we might find out that it, along with everything else in our country, is fake:
The system is hopelessly worthless. A partition is the only way forward for the US. If democrats desire to live under a system that thrives on election fraud and cover ups, let them. But I want out.
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