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the enemy defines

The Enemy Defines What I Am

An insult turned definition.

the enemy defines

A Weird Story

In other clown world news:

Pre-K teacher attacks idea of ‘childhood innocence,’ claims toddlers not too young for ‘sexuality’ discussion

William ‘Willy’ Villalpando called the idea of ‘childhood innocence’ a ‘mythology’

A pre-kindergarten teacher and early childhood professor repeatedly attacked the idea of “childhood innocence” and claimed that early childhood teachers should introduce children to gender ideology at the youngest ages, Fox News Digital found. 

William “Willy” Villalpando works at Santa Ana College in California where he teaches early child development. He also indicated on his Instagram that he is a pre-kindergarten educator. 

Fox News found documentation that Villalpando worked in the Rialto Unified School District pre-k division from 2016 through at least June 2021, the latest date California updated teacher’s records. It was unclear whether Villalpando continued to work at the district for the 2022-23 academic year, and they refused to respond. When Fox News reached out to Villalpando’s Rialto district email address it was not returned to sender.

The Enemy Defines - childhood innocence
One of the posts by the public school teacher
The Enemy Defines - William public school teacher
William “Willy” Villalpando: The Teacher

This “Willy” made an interesting comment which is present in the article:

He [Willy] went on to attack the idea that children shouldn’t be exposed to “sexuality,” claiming that “such a view is a very white, Christian, upper-class, cis-gendered, and hetero-centric.”

While the view of children being exposed to sexuality is none of these, it is a good definition of myself:

  • Very white – Yup
  • Christian – Yup
  • Upper-class – Eh 50/50
  • Cis-gendered – I prefer “normal”, but yup.
  • hetero-centric – Yup

Nailed it, for the most part. I’d probably change “upper-class” to middle-class and add in patriarchal, but the latter is at least implied.

Good definition, but the guy still needs to be barred from one hundred miles of any children.

Still, the enemy is pretty great at naming what I am and what I want.

They use stupid words for it, but at least they get the general idea.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. So, if I understand this correctly; he’s claiming that everyone outside of a narrow demographic is a pedophile?

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