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An open invitation to share your thoughts on the book.
With the publishing of Chapter Three of the Enclavism Book, we have officially wrapped up Part One of the book.
Part One is “The Problem”. In those first three chapters, we talk about what is happening and what has been occurring for centuries regarding the political cycle of collapse.
Part Two is “The Solution”, which is self-explanatory. That part covers the rest of the chapters in the book.
I figured this would be a good time to make a quick article and mention my desire for comments, critiques, and just general thoughts as we move through the book. This includes any outright errors or issues related to spelling/grammar/wording.
If you are following along as I publish these, please consider sending me your thoughts as you go through it. Both the good and the bad. I am hoping to use such commentary to craft an improved version two later.
If this sounds of interest to you, send it to me through the mailbox. I will keep it private and anonymous.
As the book discusses, contribution matters. More so than anything else, it gets you plugged in, thinking, and involved. Which is always a good thing.
So if this interests you, you can find my mailbox here. Send comments about any part of the book at any time; it does not have to follow the current posting schedule.
As always, I appreciate your readership. God bless and have a great week.
Read Next: The Enclavism Book: Article Series
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