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The Empire Strikes Back: Tranissaries

The degenerate foot soldiers of the elites.

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The Emerging Tranissaries

Meme Monday returns, this time with Ottoman Empire-esque Tranissary memes.

Revolver has a great article on the subject, well worth a dive into. Here are some snippets from it:

Tranissaries: The Trans Movement’s Striking Parallels to a Dark and Forgotten Practice in the Ottoman Empire

The modern American regime has many soldiers who do battle on its behalf. There are the BLM rioters who loot helpless bodegas and shoe stores any time a “gentle giant” succumbs to a trooper’s bullet or a policeman’s knee. There are AWFLs; the pink pussy-hat wearers who attend every protest and enforce every newly-invented norm. There are Antifa; the violent actors who torch cars, besiege courthouses, and burn police stations.

But one class of warriors stands apart from all the rest. Call them the “trannissaries.”


For those who didn’t grow up playing Age of Empires II, janissaries were the elite soldiers of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which conquered the entire Balkans and Near East during the 15th and 16th centuries. They fought and won the toughest battles for the last and greatest of the Islamic empires that waged war against Christian Europe.


The comparison between the janissaries of old and the trannissaries of today is even more robust than that, though, and makes for some revealing insights about the nature of both the modern regime and its favorite playthings.

Both are the converted children of conquered peoples. 

Both involve genital mutilation

Both are wards of the state.

Both die young

No Wives, No Kids, No Families

Munchausen by Proxy

Fanatical Loyalty

Slaves of the Great LARP

Janissaries Used Gunpowder Weapons to Kill Enemies of their Regime

Great stuff.

Perhaps most fascinating is the connection with genital mutilation and being conquered by a foreign nation—Two things that are very obvious here in the States.

I have mentioned the Ottoman Empire plenty before on this website, so I won’t go into it again. But it is mind-boggling how similar the American Empire is to the declining Ottomans. We share many traits and characteristics.

We even have our own Janissaries now.

Does that mean we will also lose the next World War, as the Ottomans did? I don’t know, but I’m excited to find out.

Anyway, here are some tranissary memes:

Tranissaries 1 meme
Reproduction Through Trauma
Tranissaries meme 2
Tranissaries Are Often Bamboozled By Reality
Tranissaries 3 meme
A Tranissary In Action In Their Natural Habitat: Politics

What a wild ride this whole decline of Western Civilization thing is.

Read Next: The One Thing George Orwell Missed


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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