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dissident life cycle

The Dissident Life Cycle

Unraveling the developmental cycle of the average dissident.

dissident life cycle

Unraveling The Dissident Life Cycle

Dissidents generally prefer not to think about it (it’s a painful time to relive, even through memories), but we all start out within the grey masses. We were all “normies” once.

The grey masses are system worshippers. They believe that the system is generally sustainable and works as it should for the most part. This mass of people is filled with every type of political belief imaginable. It’s not a political leaning, so much as it is a belief in the system.

Dissidents don’t share that belief. We know the system far too well, which leads us to conclude that the system is a failure and needs to be replaced. Dissidents differ on the exact replacement, but we all share that core ideology of “the system cannot sustain”. We dissent from the system itself.

There is some spark—some recognition of a painful truth that we had not previously recognized—that starts us down the dissident path, away from the grey masses. I believe it has something to do with a Spirit of Truth, but others may disagree with that particular piece.

Once a person has had that spark, their grey mass days are behind them. But, they are still not yet a “dissident” in the capacity we would understand. They don’t necessarily fully distrust the system yet, but they are recognizing that things do not appear as they seem or as they were told.

This is the baby stage. The dissident is taking in a wealth of information, seeking truth, and doing everything they can to understand. They act like a baby—a sponge for knowledge. They generally avoid picking a single solution at this stage, preferring instead to learn.

This sponge will continue for a while, dependent on the person. They next reach the teenage dissident years, which is when they think they know everything, in the same capacity as a normal teenager. The budding dissident develops powerful beliefs during this stage, but shuts themselves down from further learning that is outside the scope of their current beliefs due to their stubbornness. This is the stage where a dissident usually fully disavows the system.

The adult stage comes next. This is a fully developed dissident. This stage shows a re-turning to a love of learning, the removal of the prideful teenage elements, and a more well-rounded belief structure. These dissidents recognize they can be (and often are) wrong. They balance their knowledge of the corrupt system and being forced to live within the system well at this stage.

The adult dissident is more realistic. They opt out of the quick solutions of the teenage years or the hopeful optimism of the baby years. The beliefs regarding the solution will still differ greatly among the adult dissidents, but they are generally more respectful, willing to learn, and cooperative with other true dissidents. Our adult dissidents can either become blackpilled or whitepilled, jaded or hopeful, active or passive, and so on during this time. The paths differ, but the stage is the same.

Finally, we have the elder stage. This is the stage where the adult dissident surpasses enough knowledge and persuasion/communication skills necessary to successfully pass a wealth of information on to the next generation of hopeful eggs within the grey masses. The elders are the ones that can plant that initial “spark” to help someone break the veil of the grey masses. They are generally past their more active fighting days, so they focus more on educating, training, and contributing to the other life stages. Our elders are often much more cunning when it comes to developing the dissident youth, often because of necessity.

Therefore, the life stages of the dissident are:

  • A rare egg within the Grey Masses
  • Baby Dissident
  • Teenage Dissident
  • Adult Dissident
  • Elder Dissident

I think we all follow this path. As I’ve followed new dissidents, I’ve noticed this trend. Sometimes people can get to an adult level within a year or two, other times I feel like some dissidents are still stuck at teenagers after being at this for a decade. It definitely seems to be person-dependent.

All are important, in their own ways. We need the babies to soak up new generational knowledge as it comes in (and apply it appropriately for their generation), the teenagers for their headstrong fighting spirit, the adults for their realistic and calculating approach, and the elders for their wisdom and self-sacrifice.

Maybe I’m off a bit, but it seems to be what I’ve noticed thus far.

For myself, I’m just hoping I’ve fully entered the adult stage personally.

Either way, it’s a fun concept to think about.

Read Next: The Degeneracy Of The Weimar Republic


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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