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Manufactured Truth

The Dictators Of Manufactured Truth

The fact checkers and their manufactured "truth". The dictators who get to decide and distort what is and isn't truth.

Manufactured Truth

Manufactured Truth

The Fact Checkers are in quite the peculiar position.

They alone get to decide what “truth” is:

The Fact-Checkers Have Spoken: We Are Not in a Recession

Last week, Facebook and its fact-checking partners began applying a warning label to some posts claiming that the American economy had entered a recession, deeming them false and warning that further such posts would result in sanctions. The ensuing backlash received widespread media attention, but the reality is more complex, reflecting the arcane nuances and inconsistency of the fact-checking enterprise.

They even get to ignore their own hypocrisies:

At the same time, the fact-checker cited by Facebook, PolitiFact, emphasizes that the National Bureau of Economic Research “is the official arbiter of when U.S. recessions begin and end.” Yet in 2019, in rating a claim by Elizabeth Warren as “Half True,” PolitiFact argued that the “technical definition of an overall economic recession was met when the industrial production index from the Federal Reserve fell for two quarters in a row.”

In fact, as Phil Magness notes, the author of last week’s PolitiFact fact check citing NBER as the official arbiter of recessions wrote in a 2015 fact check of Donald Trump that “the general rule of thumb is that it takes two quarters of negative growth to signal a recession” in rejecting Trump’s recessionary claims.

This story is also a great example of a distortioner. If a narrative is rough for the ruling class, they just create a fake story, encourage many people to repeat that fake story, and then censor the entire narrative based on that single fake story they invented.

See here:

As with most fact-checking controversies, the story that first emerged was both simple and Orwellian: Anyone who dared admit that the United States had entered a recession had their posts immediately flagged as false by shadowy “fact-checkers” working in concert with the White House to silence dissent. In reality, posts that received the label revolved not around whether or not the U.S. was in a recession, but on the specific claim that the White House “will redefine what a recession is so they don’t have to admit they caused a recession.”

In other words, rather than silencing dissenting views on whether the U.S. has entered a recession, Facebook’s label applied specifically to the narrow claim that the White House was attempting to redefine what a recession is. A post stating that the U.S. met the common definition of a recession would not be flagged – only those posts accusing the administration of changing the definition.

Distortion is a false flag narrative operation. Consider two people. The first person says the truth about the situation that is inconvenient for the rulers. Then, a second person is planted that repeats that truth but with a small, irrelevant, fatal error. The fact checkers can say that the second version (that they invented) is a lie, and therefore simultaneously silence the entire narrative, including the first person that spoke the truth.

That’s exactly what happened here. We entered a recession based on the technical definition, so some distortioner came in and said that the “White House changed the definition to avoid it”. So, the fact checkers could say that what the distortioner said was a lie, so that the bigger concern of the technical recession is no longer addressed. To the grey masses, the entire narrative now appears false; like it was all a lie. The fact checkers address only the lie that they planted to make it seem like the entire story is a lie. That one fatal flaw distorts the narrative enough to place the narrative back in their court.

This happens every single time a bad story comes out about the Feds or the centralizers. They have distortioners prepared for every single narrative. Waiting and ready to go.

The fact checkers are an essential piece of this process because they are the final arbitrators of the manufactured truth. They act like the dictators, the final and only say, on what “truth” is. All other institutions (like Facebook) use their determinations like Gospel.

Even though they’re notoriously wrong. As of now, if we believed the fact checkers:

  • We are not in a recession
  • Covid likely came from a wet market, not a lab (but only for the first year, then they flipped)
  • Inflation is good for us
  • Trump colluded with Russia
  • The covid vax will prevent infection
  • We only need two weeks to flatten the curve
  • There is no corruption between Hunter Biden and Joe Biden

This is a sampling of their “truth” that they manufacture. That they alone get to determine, because if anyone else disagrees, they get silenced and censored.

And for the cherry on top: they are all organizations controlled by leftist degenerates. That certainly won’t produce a conflict of interest.

Luckily, there’s no possible way all this could turn out badly. Right?

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Three Inside-The-System Lifestyle Strategies

An Inevitable Economic Collapse

A Pandemic Of The Vaccinated


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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