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I am personally rooting for the asteroid prediction.
Most everyone enjoys New Year predictions. At least, I used to, until I started to see some of the 2023 predictions.
Here is a collection of some of the worst I’ve found [1][2][3][4]:
The new year will be incredibly gay, transgender, and demonic—Just like the last, but perhaps even worse.
This set is particularly distressing, considering that Pinterest has an 80% accuracy rate with their prior year predictions.
If weirdos running your businesses, economies degrading, and degenerates overtaking your culture weren’t enough, then this one will surely seal the deal. Because here we have the “experts” opening stating that they are going to edit nature through things like modifying DNA, resurrecting dead animals, and climate geoengineering. What could possibly go wrong?
There are not a lot of optimistic predictions out there for 2023. Even the optimistic ones seem to call for a recession rather than a depression and only minor widespread degeneracy.
At this rate, I will admit that I hope that the O.G. doom-and-gloom predictor is correct: Nostradamus.
Because Nostradamus predicted that in 2023, we would witness World War III, financial collapse, and potentially the Anti-Christ:
Which would still be an improvement over where we are currently heading.
At least with the end times, there is a guaranteed exit date.
We have no such luxury until that time arrives.
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