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A new government report about fluoride flips the old mainstream narrative on its head.
This is quite the eye-catching headline:
Government Report Links High Fluoride Exposure With Low IQ Among Children
Roughly 3 million individuals in the United States could be drinking water with high fluoride content, the analysis said.
Exposing children to high levels of fluoride is “consistently associated” with lower IQ and potentially other neurodevelopmental issues, according to a report by the National Toxicology Program (NTP).
In 2016, the NTP started a systematic review of scientific literature to ascertain links between fluoride and cognition. On Aug. 21, it published a report detailing its findings. A total of 72 studies reviewed in the report examined how fluoride exposure affected children’s IQ. Sixty-four of these studies found an “inverse association between estimated fluoride exposure and IQ in children,” meaning that higher exposure was linked to lower IQ and vice versa.
“This review finds, with moderate confidence, that higher estimated fluoride exposures … are consistently associated with lower IQ in children,” the report reads.
The NTP is a unit of the Department of Health and Human Services.
The fact that fluoride is a poison that lowers IQ was literally a conspiracy theory ten minutes ago.
Yet, now it is a published scientific fact (stated by the government itself, nonetheless).
Which means us “fluoride-dissidents” (is that a thing?) were right all along. Luckily for us, we didn’t need a government report two decades too late to figure it out.
Here are two of my recent past articles on the subject: RFK Jr.: “Chemical Exposure Is Turning The Kids Trans” & Our Poisonous Public Drinking Water.
The state, dentists, and their lackeys have spent the past couple of decades pounding the fluoride acceptance rationalization garbage. But all it took was an ounce of empirical evidence to clearly demonstrate the complete opposite.
It is hilarious what happens when a few nerds get their hands on hard, empirical evidence.
Although I happen to wonder why the government thinks it is fine to let out this information now so publically. Is it a demoralization attempt? Or did a rogue group of nerds actually just get their hands of the hard data and found a way to release it publically?
I don’t know, but I’m happy the truth is finally getting out there in a more mainstream way regardless.
Stay away from fluoride. Oh, and as usual, ‘Don’t trust the experts‘.
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I can’t keep up with these government nutjobs.
Me neither, Zero.