There are a few different kinds of RNA. mRNA, rRNA, tRNA, for example.
The vaccine uses mRNA. mRNA stands for messenger RNA.
mRNA is a single-stranded molecule of RNA that corresponds to the genetic sequence of a gene, and is read by a ribosome. It is sort of like a translator.
It is created by DNA. Transcription is the process of copying a gene from the DNA into mRNA.
Thus, mRNA does not directly change DNA. Neither does the vaccine, since it uses mRNA.
The idea of the vaccine is that the injection would be taken in as mRNA, translated by the ribosome, and create the relevant proteins/biological agents. Thus, creating the necessary protein to fight against the actual virus. In the context of the COVID vaccine, the idea is to replicate (translate) that spike protein of COVID, which makes it “sense” the virus. So when the actual virus arrives, it already has learned how and what to fight against. Because it has already prepared.
A normal vaccine has an inactivated virus or an individual protein within it. mRNA’s try to teach the body into making the protein itself, which then triggers an immune response. They are very different in function and result.
There are a couple obvious logical problems with this right from the very start:
This is not what is traditionally thought of as a “vaccine”. The term vaccine has been co-opted by this mRNA agent experiment. The term vaccine was even re-defined by Merriam Webster to make it seem like this biological experimentation would be considered as a vaccine, even though it is obviously not. Prior to this “vaccine”, a vaccine was only [dictionary defined]: a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms or living fully virulent organisms that are administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.
This type of vaccine agent has never been tried before on a wide-scale and has had no thorough studies on its medium-term or long-term effects. We have no idea how it will work over a period of time.
Even outside of the obvious problems, there are other less-obvious problems that are troubling. Some include:
mRNA distortion does not render you unable to catch the virus or unable to transmit the virus. Thus, you can still spread it and still get sick when you catch it. You are still at risk of long-term side effects. There are no reliable studies showing this is decreased with the vaccine. Supposedly, the idea is it would just reduce the severity of the condition when you catch it, because your body already has an idea of the immune response necessary to combat it. It is a high risk to try this experimental biological agent for such a small reward. Risk versus Reward.
COVID is not serious unless you are old and have preexisting conditions. Its death rate is similar to the flu and it is important to remember that that (already low) death rate is calculated using data that is almost definitely incorrect(includes far too many individuals that died with covid instead of because of covid). The real numbers will likely be much lower when we look back on this in 20+ years. I’m young and healthy… so I have no reason to take it. You can’t even use the “not transmittable to others” argument here because even with the vaccine, you can still transmit and infect others. There serves little purpose then for me to get it, aside from a potential “herd immunity”, which isn’t likely to even come from this vaccine but rather from everyone being exposed to covid for over a year now. Again, even if you get the vaccine you are not immune and you can still transmit the virus. So you do not contribute toward herd immunity until you actually catch covid, regardless of the vaccine.
On that note, herd immunity isn’t likely to eradicate this type of virus, as it’s similar to a cold or a flu. And both of those we can get as they change strains each year, which is already happening with this virus from the numerous different country-specific strains.
There were no long-term studies on this type of experimental gene therapy. No matter what anyone says, we don’t know how this stuff works. We mentioned this above, but it deserves a second mention because of germline changes. Since no long-term effects are known, it could impact your germline (permanent history for children). This is an extreme, unalterable risk. We are playing God by messing with this.
The efficacy ratings of over 90% seem far-fetched. mRNA vaccines have never worked. Now, in record time, they have discovered a miracle cure that will work with no side effects?
The manufacturers of the vaccine have no liability if anyone is injured from it, short-term or long-term. They have a massive incentive to push this to everyone and every country for massive profit, with absolutely no repercussions no matter what happens. I have never trusted Big Pharma; I will not be starting now.
The politicization and misuse of science regarding the virus is boggling. It is obvious that thoughts on the vaccine and the COVID ordeal overall are very strictly partisan-based. Most of the science surrounding everything-else-COVID has been debunked at best, or shown as malicious at worst. If we actually were following science, we wouldn’t lock-down (or remain locked-down), we wouldn’t be wearing masks, and we wouldn’t be taking this untested, rushed experimental biological agent. Everything else the “experts” said regarding COVID has turned out to be false, so why would we trust this now?
There have been a number of side effects being reported from the vaccine. Many numerous. Quite a few people have even been getting sick from the vaccine (which makes little sense considering how mRNA functions – an attenuated virus is a different story). Some reports even indicate conditions like Bells Palsy, which demonstrate that the vaccine is functioning on other components of the body that we do not yet understand.
The potential negatives of the vaccine are numerous. The positives of it are that if I caught COVID, it may slightly reduce my symptoms. This is not a proper risk/reward outcome. It makes more sense, logically, to not get it and risk a slightly more intense COVID illness than to make yourself susceptible to all of the negatives with it. Unless you are at extreme risk of death because of COVID, then it may be a tossup.
It seems to me the vaccine serves a more useful purpose of being a giant placebo for the entire panicked nation. They are scared and want something to fix them, even if this will likely do nothing. Hence, mRNA placebo.
I am torn on whether I perceive the vaccine as directly harmful. Indirectly, sure, but I’m not sold on the direct idea.
There are a few nuanced stances here, both with sub-points:
Scenario 1: The vaccine could work out fine. It likely won’t help much, but it won’t cause personal harm either. The elites will tout this as a “massive success” and use it to slow-down the horrific bullshit they’ve done for the past year without facing backlash. This will result in the elites assuming massive authoritarian control, a reduction in personal freedom, garnering huge wealth, and likely future problems that the general population will willingly thank them for, for “saving them” from the low-morality virus. It gives the elites everything they’ve desired while also painting them as heroes to the uninformed.
Scenario 2: The vaccine will not work out fine. It will cause some form of mutation, now that the virus will still be able to spread between “immune individuals” which will either cause a strain that is more virulent or deadlier. Or a new strain will be introduced that is the same. This new or mutated virus could be more problematic for either the un-vaccinated group or the vaccinated group.
A: If the new virus is more prone to the vaccinated group, the elites would have screwed up big time. Those in the vaccinated group will be more prone to serious complications and death.
B: If the new virus is more prone to the unvaccinated group, then the elites could just blame it on that group not getting vaccinated, furthering their agenda and killing off some of the non-compliant portions of the population (even though they caused it in the first place). This makes them look correct, covers up their lies about this low-morality virus, and kills off their enemies. It is the most damaging of all the scenarios.
Scenario 3: The vaccine will not work out fine. The elites expect it to as in Scenario 1, but it does not turn out in their favor. Medium-term and long-term damage result as a consequence of the vaccine use. This would cause tremendous problems for politicians and the vaccinated. This is the best case scenario for the unvaccinated.
In many ways, I do believe the elites are stupid enough to accidentally cause a 2A. But in the same breathe, they are just as malicious and power-hungry to seek a 2B.
Even further, it is just as valid of an argument that the elites have already got what they wanted from COVID (Full political control, full domination, restriction of rights, expansion of government, massive wealth transfer to big business, et cetera) and are now looking for an excuse to “wind down” everything slowly to ensure the veil of bullshit that COVID has been is not lifted for the entire population. This would lend credence to Scenario 1.
Finally, Scenario 3 represents a bit of a worst-case scenario for the elites. Since Scenario 1 is reasonable, this accidental Scenario is also reasonable.
Other people on our side of the political aisle would add in a Scenario 4 that would state that the vaccine is being used to curtail, kill, or otherwise injure the population for population control. I find this one highly unlikely. It wouldn’t make sense for the elites to kill off their willing, submissive demographic. They would rather keep them and kill us off: the unvaccinated. This is why I don’t believe in this stance or list it as a reasonable scenario. If population reduction was the goal of the elites, they’d rather use Scenario 2B: vaccinate their sheep, mutate the virus, and kill off those of us who would not submit to them. Which is possible. But would require a tremendous amount of secrecy to pull off.
People will not immediately drop dead from the vaccine. Many won’t even notice a change. But there was a nefarious purpose for it. I’m just not sure for which purpose.
Additionally, I’m not sure which of these scenarios is what is actually occurring, but it is one of them. In many ways, I don’t even think the elites know which it is. Not yet, anyway.
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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.