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Are we on the same planet as these people?
I don’t know about you, but I keep finding articles online and listening to podcasts that regurgitate this idea that “the elite’s covid agenda failed because the masses raised hell!” or “we stopped the globalists enforcing covid tyranny!”
It’s a common normiecon talking point. All I can think is…Are we on the same planet as these people?
Do they actually think we won? With the vast majority of the population jabbed? With a population that now normalizes such draconian lockdowns over an insignificant problem like the covid cold?
Nearly every single thing the elites wanted they got. Our elites got the normies completely riled up. Up to the point that they enforced Covid vaccines, got hundreds of thousands fired from their jobs, instilled widespread fear, and normalized such a response for future events.
Contrary to this new imaginary narrative, there were very few widespread protests. And when there were, they almost always got shut down rapidly and violently.
Then, the elites willingly stopped their own covid agenda—For purposes that are not 100% clear yet. “We” sure did not do it. They did.
The elites even created Covid tracking apps as templates. Many countries around the world were already implementing them and their populations were going along with it.
But then our own leadership stopped. They coordinated the stop. Just like they coordinated the start of it all.
Listen, I am not saying that the scientism community stopped. Many of them are still crying about it even today. But they are the intelligentsia. They are not the ones with the actual power. The politburo/isolated class are the ones with the genuine power. They are the ones that winded down Covid worldwide.
The politburo could’ve pushed more. They were in a prime position to do so, especially when the vaccine first came out and fear was at its maximum. But they chose not to. That sure wasn’t because of people fighting back.
I still fondly remember those days. I attended every single protest within 100 mile radius of where I lived. There were never more than a maximum hundred people in attendance (usually far less). Everyone else stayed in their homes and hid. Or complained online and did nothing in person.
Very few exceptions existed; the big one being the Canadian trucker protest. But we saw how quickly the government smashed them when it wasn’t convenient. They could’ve done that to anyone. But they didn’t need to because so few actually stood up.
Australia and New Zealand were magnificent case studies. They had some of the harshest restrictions and some of the lightest resistance. But they still stopped when the rest of the world did.
Frankly, no one knows why they stopped when they did.
My assumption is that Covid was always meant as a test run. To normalize such a response, and to make such ‘martial law’-type responses not seem extreme. Probably for a future event. Something far more serious than Covid, that they also create (no different from Covid).
That is my best guess. I don’t understand why they stopped when they did. From my perspective, it looked like a straightforward route to full totalitarian power. Instead, they held off. Which makes me even more nervous of why. They were waiting for something else.
One thing is for sure, they did not stop because of a widespread resistance movement.
I’m not trying to reduce the efforts of many, especially probably many of my own readers. I know you fought as I did. But we all have to accept that the gray masses did nothing. Because living with that reality is how we plan for the future accordingly.
Creating an imaginary scenario that didn’t actually happen will serve us no good in the future when this happens again.
We have to accept the fact that the gray masses are a lost cause. We will never see a mass resistance movement, unless our guys are at the head of it. Which means we need institutions, organization, and strong men willing to stand up.
Back then, we did not have that. But we are building it now.
Let us work toward this goal and not try to rewrite history to make the situation seem better than it was.
It is a classic motto: Remain in our reality or die in your own illusion.
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