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On the culture war. How shills change the public perception. What to look out for and how their opinion-molding operations work.
Anonymous conservative details a very insightful observation:
Great article, and they are just one small tip of one small iceberg. People have no idea what kinds of opinion-molding operations are being run with the literally hundreds of millions of dollars spent by left-wing billionaires each year on controlling the online right. And compared to the Cabal of special interests, and big profit companies, and the Political establishment, they are small fries. Put a few hundred million into a boiler-room operation targeting simple online forums, and you can move the perceptions of millions of people with a very small foot print.
It is because they also successfully drove off the honest, uncontrolled posters. They are very sharp psychologically, and know how to make other people feel miserable, and feel under siege.
It is the same thing on the Chans. Somebody shows up and mentions gangstalking, and there are ten comments calling them schizophrenic or insane, and none of those posters intrigued or curious about what makes them think they are being followed around or harassed by some secret, shadowy pseudo-governmental spook-like entity. At the exact same time, ten posts will show up asking what Hitler meant by something, am I white, are blacks human, is the Asian girlfriend the best girlfriend, and on and on, and each post proceeds to get a few hundred comments, even though there were ten just like it just an hour ago.
And after the slides bleed people off there are probably 2 Mossad-type shills with a few hundred Avatars each, driving things that way with ten posts apiece. And then there are 3 Neocuck/leftist/Cabal operators with a few hundred more avatars driving things the GOPe way, and so on.
In the end, what you see is one normal person posting, three normals responding, and one hundred different “people” espousing the varied narratives of the Machine. It is a very powerful way to mold at least the perceptions of public opinion.
There is a reason I’ve gotten far more strict with comments. This is why. I originally started off this website with a very strong free speech policy. After a while, I finally started to get some traffic. From that traffic, the comments were downright lame. About 50% of comments are these subversive shill elements, about 20% are false information/outright lies, 20% are profanity-laden ad hominems, and 10% are decent comments. I’m only keeping the 10% from now on.
I’ve noticed in the past couple years for every one decent comment, I’d get about 9 trash ones [when considering post-spam filter]. This continues to be a non-scientific standard of mine for website moderation.
Even when not considering comment ramifications, this is important for just general browsing purposes. Most average people do not comment. Even highly engaged individuals don’t generally comment as much as the shills.
It is even more helpful in understanding the true battle behind the culture war. It’s all about perception. If you view non-first person material (such as comments, chans, and the like), the majority of the posters are likely shills. Under every news website, YouTube video, Reddit post, video stream, and the like are shills. Shills that are paid to do this. This is the culture war in action.
Let’s do some shill math. A single million bucks could pay for 121,212 total hours of subversion online (1M / 8.25). If you hire 100 shills, that’s a little over 1,212 hours for each. Which is about 30 weeks worth of shilling for each shill (assuming 40 hour work week). Which is of course, 7.5 months. Thus, a single million bucks provides 100 shills a job for the majority of the year. 100 shills working 40 hour workweeks could easily hit every single major news, media, and social media source online.
Yet, these people get a lot more than a million dollars. These PACs are looking toward the triple digit millions. Especially when elections are involved. They could have tens of thousands of shills for a few months or hundreds of nonstop shills annually. More than likely, they have both.
In smaller websites or fast-moving ones like the chans, this completely changes the dialogue. Non-shills barely comment or post as it is. This further dwindles the “real” person numbers and perceptions.
In many ways, it’s likely that most online fights are one shill company versus another shill company. Normal people need not apply.
It’s easy to get discouraged from this information. But don’t let it happen. Once you recognize these trends, you begin to spot it nearly immediately.
Don’t let the “popular perception” fool you. It’s not popular at all. If it were, they wouldn’t need to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for shills to implant it everywhere.
Quite the opposite. The conditioning is broken well enough that they have to pay this much to secure their hold on the narrative at all. Even with it, thousands continue to wake up to it weekly. Thousands question the narrative, the experts, and everything else they’re being spoon-fed.
As a final note: Don’t let shills demoralize, discourage, or dissuade you. They get paid to do this. Their entire job involves around breaking you. Don’t let them. See through it. Do not fall for the fake cultural surroundings they are so desperately trying to shill. Don’t engage with them. Just put your positive perception out there and make sure to call them out with what they are doing. Educate others on their tricks by pointing them out as an example.
Read Part 2: The Opinion-Molding Operations Part 2: Distortioners
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This is fascinating to me. I saw this happening on /pol/ during the run up to Jan 6. Horrible memes with boiler plate Democrat leftist talking points were invading every thread. I would love to go deeper into this. Who are these shills? How much do they make? What kind of mental effect does this kind of work have on a person? Are they just doing it for money or is the system squeezing the ideological juices out of these wretches leaving them to be a part of the 40%?
Take a read of the rest of my opinion-molding series. I go into most of your questions in #3: The Opinion-Molding Operations Part 3: Wumao Examples, but it is helpful to know the foundation from both 1&2 before reading that one specifically.
I am also still learning more about them as each day passes. It seems this is a relatively new phenomenon, at least in terms of studying and discussing it openly. Most of it has been in hidden corners of the internet being hush-hushed.