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The Cost Of The Intelligentsia

We will continue to incur the cost of the intelligentsia and their pet ideologies until we escape their mental framework.

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What hath God wrought

Thomas Sowell wrote the following regarding “intellectuals” (whom I refer to as the intelligentsia):

What have the intellectuals actually done for society—and at what cost? The areas in which we have seen great advances—science, industry, and medicine, for example—are largely areas outside the scope and influence of intellectuals, as the term has been used here. In areas more within the scope and influence of the intelligentsia, such as education, politics and the law, we have seen significant, and even dangerous, retrogressions.

– Thomas Sowell. Intellectuals and Society. Chapter 9. Section: “The Track Record of Intellectuals”.

Sowell accurately recognizes the reality of the intelligentsia in this short quote. The true (beneficial) movers of civilization are the doers, not the thinkers.

True science, industry, and medicine are led more so by doers (men of action), given the nature of the fields. The intelligentsia is staffed by speakers/philosophers (men of words). This explains the differentiation between those fields and those of education and politics/law.

He also notes in the book that societies that allow these intelligentsia individuals undue influence, alongside their unaccountable nature, will result in disaster.

This is because the intelligentsia’s work does not reach into the realm of practical application; they are limited only to the men of words’ realm. Which is imagination.

Their penchant for this is why they are always wrong, and why I was forced to create a compilation list for why the intellectual experts are always wrong. They cannot get geopolitical strategy right, they cannot get history right, they cannot conduct accurate studies—Heck, they cannot even get the genders right. Yet, they are good salespeople, marketing their research as if it is God’s spoken word to the grey masses.

This is why they conjure up such strange concoctions that they label as “solutions”. Often, they do so to problems that don’t actually even exist.

Consider the trans movement—There was no problem, but the intelligentsia prescribed a solution anyway, and that solution involved playing fantasy on a global scale regarding biological genders and mutilating children.

But their insanity is not limited to just the extreme example of the trans movement. Consider a political ideology that many of us have had sympathies toward at one point or another: anarchism. This is the intelligentsia’s (philosophers and other men of words) golden calf. It is not real or practical; it is just an edgy theory that is then used by people who (rightly so) hate the wicked state we currently reside under.

Even the most fleeting, uneasy semblance of common sense should disprove this political philosophy as compatible with human nature, but tens of thousands of intelligentsia talk about it constantly. A recognizable one being Noam Chomsky.

Yet, the state was and is the solution to the problem of nature. Our ancestors figured it out, but the intellectuals can’t keep up with knowledge from over two thousand years ago. They still believe it with uncanny faith, even though all historical examples of anarchy ended in complete failure by a hostile takeover by another power. Which is, again, common sense. The same can be said about other intellectual-preferred golden calves, such as communism or libertarianism. All of them are impractical theories, conjured up in the minds of the theoretical men of words at the expense of the practical men of action.

This is largely the result of the intelligentsia’s secular materialist posturing. They believe in only the material, so they neglect the spiritual. They imagine materialistic ideas in their head, but they can only rarely, and with much good fortune, successfully implement them. But the spiritual can only be neglected for so long.

There is a reason why we have derisive sayings such as:

  • “Some ideas are so foolish that only an intellectual could believe them, for no ordinary man could be such a fool”.

It is because they become hyper-rational, which ends up ignoring reality because reality inherently is more than the material.

We will continue to incur the cost wrought by the intellectuals and their pet ideologies until we escape their mental framework.

This is why it is so important that we focus on the practical implementation of a new government framework, with its necessary limitations and imperfections, once we are given the chance. We cannot seek a utopia and neither should we seek to implement a prior failed theory by modern secular materialist intellectuals.

But instead, we should seek a return to tradition attached with practical solutions catered toward the real problems of the modern day.

That is the only viable way forward for a prosperous new state. Anything else will cave in on itself.

Read Next: Recognizing The Foundational Crack


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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