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Centralization isn't just a policy of the left. Conservatives are centralizers, too. 2020 gave you all the proof you need.
The leftist narrative has definitely won. It makes me wonder if most mainstream conservatives aren’t in on it themselves.
Any time the left says something is bad, mainstream conservatives agree and bow to them. Any time the left says something is good, mainstream conservatives agree and bow to them.
Do you see yet why we aren’t winning?
You can’t win if you surrender to the enemy at every corner.
When the George Floyd and BLM ordeal first developed, nearly every conservative was acquiescing and denouncing the police. Even though the dude died of an OD. Truth didn’t matter.
When COVID happened and the left pushed to shut down business, close the US, and enforce face masks, mainstream conservatives caved. Even though it’s all stupid and what directly lead to leftists having enough tools to do a sweeping level of monumental voter fraud. Truth didn’t matter.
When peaceful protestors stormed the capitol, mainstream conservatives immediately caved and said it was wrong. No, it was insanely awesome. And I’m proud of each of them that did. Even if it was a conspiracy and they were let in. So? It’s about time our side has gotten some balls. The lefts been shutting down entire states and destroying cities for months, for f***s sake. Portland’s been on fire for almost a year. We have every right to walk into a building and denounce a system that has been subjugating us.
Yet we’re supposed to be upset because some people peacefully protested and destroyed one window?
No, the only thing I’m upset about is the black cop that murdered Ashli Babbitt. An actual example of murder.
Neo-cons. The lot of them.
Centralizers, all of them.
They all have a motive in letting their elite buddies centralize more. Because they’ll be kept safe. Because they’ll get their power regardless. They don’t care about the average person. They want to coast in congress, or to continue to be a talking head, without actually having to do anything.
Even some not-so-mainstream cons are falling for it.
Buchanan with the “temple of the republic BS:
And so Wednesday was, but it was also disastrous for the party and the movement Trump has led for the last five years.
What Americans watched was a mob occupation and desecration of the temple of the American Republic. And the event will be forever exploited to discredit not only Trump but the movement he led and the achievements of his presidency.
If that den of thieves is a “temple of the republic“, then maybe it’s time to blasphemy the republic, no?
Cruz abandoning Trump:
Ted Cruz: Trump bears some responsibility for Capitol siege, ‘angry rhetoric’ was reckless
“Look, I think he plainly bears some responsibility,” Mr. Cruz told NBC-DFW TV. “At the end of the day, criminals are responsible for their own conduct, and the terrorists who conducted that attack — they bear the responsibility — but I think his angry rhetoric was reckless and I think it was harmful.”
Yawn. Apparently “terrorists” are people that walk around in a building. What a weak country we are if that is the definition of terrorist and not the BLM protestors burning entire city-blocks of DC.
So these idiots tell us the Capitol Hill riot is “sedition,” but trying to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland, incinerating a police station in Minneapolis, the original BLM bombing the senate in 1983, and pointing lasers at the eyes of federal officers to blind them – that they say is “mostly peaceful protest”. Or they’re at least just angry rioters, not terrorists.
We’re terrorists. But they get the rioter or protestor card.
NYPost even wrote a hitpiece on the patriot that died, Ashli Babbitt:
Ashli Babbitt once ‘harassed and chased’ husband’s ex-girlfriend
She was a veteran that faced a larger threat from the very same ruling class that sent her off to war.
As always, once this passes, the centralizers on the right will immediately change their course and pretend to be the holders of the holy grail of conservatism. They’ll still gatekeep. They’ll still do nothing.
Until the next event the leftist narrative dominates, in which case they will immediate kneel before it again.
We continue to decline into a rule by few. The rule by many form has long since died and was replaced with mob rule. Now, it won’t be long until the rule by few is finalized.
Each step the left goes further left, the conservatives give up an equal level of ground to the right. Weakness. All of them. Pathetic.
The centralizers move forward. On both the right and the left.
We won’t win until we stop accepting their narrative at all. We can’t beat them when we solely exist within their world.
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