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lying dog-faced pony soldier

The Condition Of The U.S. Military: Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldiers

I never thought I would say this, but Biden was right.

lying dog-faced pony soldier

Ahead Of His Time

Sometimes, we have to admit when we are wrong. This is one such time for me.

I previously said that Biden had a particularly nasty case of a dementia flareup when he humiliatingly called a student a “lying dog-faced pony soldier”. This happened because Biden hallucinated that the phrase was in some movie in his youth one hundred years ago.

At the time, I told everyone that Biden was living in the past, which is a telltale sign of dementia.

It appears I was wrong. Biden was, in fact, ahead of the times.

There really are lying dog-faced pony soldiers now:

dog-faced pony soldier 1 - pup ravage image

Biden called it first. Who knew?

I know this is old news for most tuned-in dissidents. However, it’s come to my attention that many people did not hear the story of this particular dog-faced soldier. Many people who are not as cynical as most of my readers saw this image and thought it was a joke or a Photoshop.

Woe to them, the blissfully ignorant. The image is not a Photoshop. it is actually completely real.

And it gets far worse:

dog-faced pony soldier 2 - donnelly himself
The “pup” himself: Col. Brian T. Connelly (ret.) of INDOPACOM Past Mdarmyguard CO: 58th EMIB, 1100th TASMG
dog-faced pony soldier 3 - another "pup"
Another degenerate connected to Connelly
dog-faced pony soldier 4 - nasty image
“pupravage” is Connelly’s social media. Post 1.
dog-faced pony soldier 5 - supposed injustice because grown man cannot pretend to be dog
Post 2. Notice it is the same mask as the first and previous image.

Col. Donnelly & CPT Tenney both were @JointBasePHH Hawaii in a #AlphaPup & #BetaPup sex relationship, with other partners.

A “Pup” kink community

Both officers have ? mask pics in uniform & on ?? military installations.

Donnelly’s kink was not a secret; his mask seen in office

I’m not going to show the worst of the pictures here because I don’t support spreading that degeneracy, but you can see the full expose including proof that this is real here: Nitter Archive.

This is not a low-level grunt, either. Although the story does suggest that he may have had dog “sexplay” with low-level grunts. Which I’m pretty certain is not supposed to be allowed. But given clown world, I’m sure in time it will not just be accepted, but obligatory.

This is one that needs to go down in the record books, so I’ll preserve it here.

This is the United States military.

And this is reason #1391 that you should keep your sons and daughters out of it.

Read Next: The Greatest Failure Of The Conservative


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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