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The Coming Population Reduction

It's almost like they are trying to reduce the population, or something.

population reduction

On Population Reduction

The Great Reset. Agenda 21. Agenda 2030. New World Order. The Liberal World Order.

Whatever you want to call it, it’s in motion. We’re on a train that’s flashing by on a downward track.

There are a lot of things in action that indicate that something along those lines is occurring:

  • Real and fake pandemics.
  • A trial run for forced experimental shots (compliance) or loss of employment.
  • Food crisis.
  • Energy crisis.
  • Major inflation.
  • A looming economic collapse (inspired to bring in digital currencies).
  • An economic world war between the dollar and BRICS.
  • Potentially hot wars, given the West’s continued provocation of Russia (in both the unlimited funding of Ukraine and in attempting to open other fronts using places like Azerbaijan).
  • A psychopathic focus on “climate change” and other distractions.
  • Divison (BLM, LGBT nutjobs, etc).
  • Outright and open targeting of political dissidents (FBI, Jan 6, etc).

It still amazes me that this is considered a conspiracy theory, given that billionaires and other top world leaders have been publically discussing population reduction for well over a decade. It’s not like they’ve been quiet about it.

The Alex Jones-type “they are going to directly murder everyone” idea may be a bit of a stretch (or it may not), but these world leaders are certainly trying to permanently reduce the population. That much is obvious.

When we combine the above bullet points with the knowledge that elites have been talking about major population reduction, it should at least provoke some “Hm, this seems odd” response in a normally functioning human.

The rulers across the entire world are testing a forced lockdown and control operation, still injecting billions with some type of mRNA jab that has never been used before in history, provoking a world war with a nuclear power, very obviously self-imploding the economy on purpose, and are using political tools to target anyone that dissents.

As someone once put it: “We have a save-the-planet famine that is just in time for the fight-the-Russians economic collapse.” It’s all too coincidental.

All of those factors are within just the past two years. But this isn’t the start. They’ve been destroying us and rendering us less fertile through horrible processed food, seed oils, soy, environmental toxins, and so on for decades. They’ve been creating division and hostility to child-rearing using movements like feminism for decades. And they have been weakening immune systems and any form of sustained natural immunity passed through the mother through mass childhood vaccinations (so the vaxxed mother no longer has immunity to pass onto the children, forcing them to need a vax too – Our grandparents received around three jabs before adulthood, whereas most kids now will receive over sixty). We’re even becoming more isolated and alone than ever before in history. These, and similar, trials have been slow mutations to the population.

Many people argue that these have occurred solely because of greed (Big Pharma, Big Ag, etc), but I refuse to believe that is the sole cause. It’s too insane and widespread, it has to be tied to something else. These degenerations haven’t likely had the full desired effect, but when they are tied in with the above events of the past couple of years, it’s striking how far those rulers have gone in trying to reduce fertility/population.

These factors are not a tiny red flag. If your internal warning indicator is not at least uncertain about these events, you need to install a new one.

The situation may not be so extreme that they are trying to wipe everyone out, but they are—at a minimum—making moves against the population figures.

Further, no one has any idea what is actually going on. To demonstrate this, some of my favorite news stories of the past few weeks have easily been the research being done by Epoch on the mysterious blood clots. A recent story they did is here: “Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack Post-Mortem Characteristics“. We first had people dropping dead from cardiac issues, then we had people dying of a made-up term, “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”, and now we have long fiber clots that look like they came straight out of a zombie apocalypse film appearing in the veins of people. These are only a few examples from many. You can’t tell me this is normal.

Perhaps the most telling of all of this is the fact that this has all been normalized. But only within the past two-ish years. If any person would have told you where we would be right now in January pre-covid, most would have called them a lunatic. But now, no one seems to bat an eye. They just act like this is how it has always been. Nothing is concerning, and you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist if you think otherwise.

this is fine meme

On the one hand, it is fascinating how quickly people can normalize a horrible condition. On the other hand, it’s terrifying how quickly people can normalize a horrible condition.

These ruling class population reductionists have often given 8.3 billion as the “population cap” that they seek. Given that we are at 7.97, they have little time left to work if they wish to hit that objective.

Meanwhile, here in ultra-rational and moderate land, very few seem to think this is even remotely odd. There are only a few whispering in the distance, saying, “Gosh, it’s almost like they are trying to reduce the population, or something”.

Read Next: The System Purges Those Who Would Try To Fix it


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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