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What does the Central Intelligence Agency and woolly mammoths have in common? They are both dead inside.
You may have thought this title was clickbait, but it actually isn’t. The CIA is investing in woolly mammoth resurrection technology.
This is real, and I am not exaggerating:
CIA allegedly invested in powerful genetic mutation, woolly mammoth resurrection technology
The embrace of this technology will allow U.S. agencies to read, write, and edit genetic material.
The U.S. intelligence agency may have just “invested” in a woolly mammoth resurrection technology through its venture capital firm.
The CIA has always pursued technologies related to intelligence and weapons but recently has shown a greater interest in DNA sequencing, according to a report published by The Intercept on Wednesday.
Colossal Biosciences is a biotechnology firm with headquarters in Dallas. Peter Thiel, Tony Robbins, Paris Hilton, Winklevoss Capital, and the CIA are just some well-known backers and investors that founders George Church and Ben Lamm have already accumulated.
“In-Q-Tel, its new investor, is registered as a non-profit venture capital firm funded by the CIA. On its surface, the group funds technology startups with the potential to safeguard national security,” read the report.
“In addition to its long-standing pursuit of intelligence and weapons technologies, the CIA outfit has lately displayed an increased interest in biotechnology and particularly DNA sequencing.”
Colossal claims it plans to employ cutting-edge genetic sequencing CRISPR to bring back two extinct creatures, including the gigantic ice age mammoth and the Tasmanian tiger, a medium-sized marsupial that became extinct less than a century ago.
Newer readers probably do not know, but the veteran readers that have been with us for a while will recall that years before COVID happened I had a “Bioterrorism” category on this website. An entire section of this website was, at one time, solely dedicated to studying the bioterror threat.
A little while before covid, I archived that category and transitioned it into a tag instead. The tag is still active here. It holds an archive of all of my old bioterrorism articles, along with some new ones courtesy of covid.
A few interesting articles worth going back to are:
Back in those days, I was constantly yelling into the void about the dangers of CRISPR. No one listened (and no one will listen even now), but this technology is likely to be the technology that annihilates our species.
That is not hyperbole. If you don’t know what it is, then it is time to learn:
It does not surprise me that the CIA is investing in companies that are trying to take CRISPR even further. It is clear that the “intelligence” agency wants to edit the genome for a wide variety of purposes: super-soldiers, population-level genetic mutations (which can be leaked through the water sources, as has already been documented extensively), further bioweapons like covid, and so on and so forth.
Further development in the realm of potentially species-ending technology is clearly in the interest of a corrupt, evil organization like the CIA. But these scientists operate on their own initiative most of the time, completely independent until they get investment. It’s amazing the stupidity of smart people.
CRISPR was created with only one goal in mind: to alter the genome of God’s design. Whoever thinks this is a good idea is so far gone in the scientism cult that I’m not sure they can be saved. Even the atheists should recognize that man is not God, and thus should not act as one. We should probably leave our foundational building blocks alone, given that we do not know how any of us actually operate or what even a minor change would do.
We don’t even know how most pharmaceutical pills work, and these scientists want to permanently edit germlines in humans and try to resurrect an extinct species like some type of Frankenstein monster. It’s mind-blowing.
It’s almost comedic, but the advancement (or “progress”) of technology is likely to end in our complete destruction. We will get back the woolly mammoth just in time for a planetary die-off event; both courtesy of gene-editing and bioterrorism.
I feel like most people (even our leaders) recognize this threat, but then we still keep going forward anyway.
It’s an interesting conundrum we are in regarding technological advancement, because we have to keep developing cutting-edge technology, or other countries will do it in our place, and then those other countries will reap the temporary advantages of superior technology. But if we keep going, we’ll reach a point of no return. So either we stop and then get left behind in the international field of technology, or we keep marching together in competition with other states to our inevitable destruction.
The only way this technological “progress” could be stopped is if every state on the planet agreed to cease all technological research. But that would never happen; even in the most unlikely event that an agreement was made, further research would continue in secret.
While the general history of most human events is a cycle, technology is different. The technology development pathway is a linear, downward trend to self-immolation. This occurs even while most people believe the trendline is going upward and “bettering” us to some future utopia.
I am beginning to understand why there must be a tribulation and apocalypse. There isn’t really a way for it to be avoided, given human nature. If God didn’t direct it, we would still cause it. Better that God leads it than us.
But until that happens, you can rest easy knowing that our scientists are working around the clock to make genetically modified mutant babies and resurrect extinct wholly mammoths.
That certainly won’t end badly.
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