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the cia and jfk


The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) assassinated John F. Kennedy.

the cia and jfk

The Central Intelligence Agency

The below meme shows an interesting connection, considering how common the term “conspiracy theorist” is nowadays for anyone that dissents from any position of the state:

Obviously, most of the records released by Biden just recently don’t give us much new info. It was the same information that was already available. All the drop provided were a few more pieces for further confirmation.

Still, it’s great to see it become more mainstream. Maybe it’ll jar a few of the neocons and normiecons.

The info was even on Tucker, a highly useful magnet for the latter group:

If you want to learn more, watch the JFK documentary by Oliver Stone. New or old version doesn’t matter. I think he came out with a “JFK Revisited” documentary in the past few years. Both are worth a watch. But the old one, “An Oliver Stone Film: JFK”, is the original. Either would answer any lingering questions you have.

I’ve been known to dabble in a few (true) conspiracies myself:

Turns out our theories may not be so conspiratorial after all.

Now we can add the following to the list:

  • The CIA assassinated JFK – Turned out true.

This is a side-note, but an interesting piece of CIA history that few pick up on is its founding.

They were created out of the ashes of World War II. The major purpose was to “prevent another Pearl Harbor,” which in itself is a conspiracy theory (most people that do a thorough analysis into the attack will find quite a few anomalies that occurred on that day). So, a conspiracy lead to the need for an organization shrouded in conspiracies, that created the term “conspiracy theorist”. Great. That seems legit.

Thanks to Harry Truman (Founded the CIA) and Teddy Roosevelt (Founded the FBI), we have two massive managerial state agencies that have dirt on and monitor every single individual in the United States. Agencies like these are the definition of the fourth branch of government, which is also the most powerful branch.

If you wonder how this country has become so rotten, look no further than these agencies and their handlers. That is the best place to start.

We can’t beat the system because the system has created these internal parasites that will destroy anything we attempt to do. Because at the root of our system, they are the ones who hold full power. Not the people nor the “representatives.”

This information is yet more proof that attests to that reality. Especially once you fully grasp that this fourth branch literally killed the supposedly most powerful man in the system: our executive. They just wiped out an entire branch, and conduct intelligence-gathering and intimidation campaigns against the other two.

So, who really has the power—The politicians or their handlers who can kill the former with no repercussions?

Read Next: Foreign Subversion Of Our Information Distributors


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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