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There is no such thing as a nation without a faith.
Faith and spirituality are intertwined in a people. A race is not adequately defined without a faith in the definition.
There is no such thing as a nation without a faith. Even the abomination nations of today have a faith; it is just a worldly one and not a Christian one.
Blood is tied to faith. To try to separate the two with no ramifications is impossible. Even just in the attempt, you dissolute the blood. It is no longer the same nation that you started with.
If you are struggling to grasp this, read this piece: The Origins Of A National Collapse.
The stupid pagans that want a White nation without the Christian faith are blind for this reason. That task is impossible. None of our people are going back to paganism. Odin and those other losers have already been defeated thousands of years ago. They aren’t coming back.
Yet, if that faith is not taken up in our fabled white non-Christian nation, another faith will. Because blood must be tied to faith. But this “new” faith will be identical to the modern degeneracy we see now, no matter what the pagans think will happen instead.
When man tries to invent their own religion to suit politics, it always becomes the same wicked abomination. It is what we exist under now—A subjective cult led by the ruling elite that is ever-changing based on the subjective whims of the ruling elite. A pagan elite would have the exact same false imaginary religion at the top, and would decay in a similar fashion.
Nothing is new under the sun. Some new pagan cult or weird spirituality forced on a population will not change this fact.
There is a weird section of the online Right that wants to either 1) make up their own religion to suit their politics or 2) avoid the reality of the blood-faith connection by appealing to strict rationalism/materialism to get around the need for The Faith.
Both of these approaches are in error. We go back to Christ or we fail. It is that simple.
That is the only option. Because without some faith, there can be no true blood-ties. Trying to create this fabled white nation, with Christianity on the outside, is destined to failure.
Which is why we have to call this out—Boldly. The longer these groups keep operating under this false premise, the longer we will keep losing.
This is true, regardless of whether you categorize America as one or a separate nation. If you view us as many (as I do), then even still each one holds a variant of the Christian faith.
This is true even more so if you take America as only one nation: Then clearly the only option is Christian.
Our people share the historic Christian faith as our backbone. We lost it at the same time we lost the West overall: When Christendom fell. The West overall began its descent parallel to this time.
We gave up both our faith and our blood during this descent.
So the only way to reverse it is to reverse that descent, and to return to our tradition. Which includes both blood and faith. We must bring our people back up from the chains of the so-called “Enlightenment”. We have to grasp our blood and our faith; two of the three ingredients that made us successful and who we were in the first place.
Without them, we are nothing. With them, we can conquer anything.
The summary is this: We will never succeed unless the historic Christian faith is our backbone.
It is our heritage. It is our tradition.
Christianity is beautiful. And it is ours and it is in us.
Never forget or forsake that. Reclaim your roots.
Read Next: Cataclysm X
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Beautiful article. Could not agree more Kaiser!