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That one China virus from the lab is back in the news. Turns out the wet market theory was the true conspiracy all along.
In absolutely no surprise to my earlier predictions:
Lab leak is the ‘most credible’ source of the coronavirus outbreak, says top US government official, amid bombshell claims Wuhan scientist has turned whistleblower
Mr Pottinger told politicians leak is emerging as ‘most credible source’ of virus
He claimed the pathogen may have escaped through a ‘leak or an accident’
One of America’s most senior government officials says the most ‘credible’ theory about the origin of coronavirus is that it escaped from a laboratory in China.
Matthew Pottinger, who is President Donald Trump’s respected Deputy National Security Adviser, told politicians from around the world that even China’s leaders now openly admit their previous claims that the virus originated in a Wuhan market are false.
Mr Pottinger said that the latest intelligence points to the virus leaking from the top-secret Wuhan Institute of Virology, 11 miles from the market, saying: ‘There is a growing body of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the virus.’
He claimed the pathogen may have escaped through a ‘leak or an accident’, adding: ‘Even establishment figures in Beijing have openly dismissed the wet market story.’
Iain Duncan Smith, the former Tory Party leader who attended the meeting, said Mr Pottinger’s comments represented a ‘stiffening’ of the US position on the theory that the virus came from a leak at the laboratory, amid reports that the Americans are talking to a whistleblower from the Wuhan institute.
Back when this whole virus first spread, I immediately discredited pretty much anyone that actually bought the Wuhan wet market story.
Who actually believed that mess of a story?
In general, whatever the news says, is never the truth. There is always some fragment of it that is untruthful. Whether that is 1% of the story or 100% of the story depends on the situation.
This one was obviously 100%.
Honestly, it was completely hilarious to even consider. There was a secret Chinese level 4 biolab right next door to Wuhan that was studying bat coronaviruses. But no, a random wet market caused the coronavirus leak. Not the secret biolab studying bat coronaviruses.
Really, all we need is for more people to learn some logic/rationalization skills. This one wasn’t that difficult.
I remember when saying the above was a “conspiracy theory”. Now, it’s just fact.
Even back in Jan, before the COVID hysteria mounted in full swing, I called it:
It will surely be called a “conspiracy”, but it’s rather obvious to me what happened here.
The longer this covid hysteria goes on, the more “conspiracies” turn out to be just a delayed reality.
I’m definitely no prophet, but some of these things are too easy to call.
Read Next:
CNN and Their “Baseless Conspiracy” Arguments
The Media On COVID: Then Versus Now
COVID: 40% No Symptoms and 40% Inflated
Communist China Is Obviously Evil
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You are so sure, but do you know that Wuhan, China has accepted the strictest inspection by who? When Americans continue to stigmatize China and try to blame China for these crimes, China immediately opened up to the WHO and accepted inspection. After close inspection by experts from various countries, did they say anything? I don’t remember, sir. Instead, the United States is trying to block the review of who, isn’t it.
Besides, do you know Fort Detrick biological laboratory in the United States.On March 10, 2020 local time, a petition post appeared on the White House petition website “we the people”. The English version of novel coronavirus pneumonia is a major event in recent years, including the new outbreak of the outbreak of the new pneumonia outbreak and the deletion of a large number of English news reports on “the fort’s closed”. It asked the US government to disclose the information of the fort’s fort, the largest biological and chemical weapon base in the United States, and to announce the “real reason” for the closure of Fort De Erik. To clarify whether the laboratory is a research unit of New Coronavirus (COVID19) and whether there is a virus leakage problem.
If the United States really wants to conduct a completely transparent investigation, it should, like China, invite who experts to the United States for investigation, open the fort Detrick base of the U.S. military and the biological laboratories scattered around the world as soon as possible, and disclose as soon as possible that unexplained respiratory diseases began to appear in Northern Virginia and a large-scale “e-cigarette disease” broke out in Wisconsin in July 2019 And other relevant cases. Is not it?The United States, which hypes the “laboratory leakage theory”, why not open the fort Detrick laboratory first?
WHO is a globalist international organization funded almost exclusively by centralizers, no one with an inkling of knowledge on the situation would trust anything they say in any direction. WHO is funded by the same countries it supposedly “oversees”. Truth doesn’t work like that.
The whole Fort Detrick thing was a psyop started by the Chinese government and state-run news media. Considering their track record of truth and the obvious need to shift the blame, a vague similarity with minimal evidence is not enough to justify an incursion. I have no doubt the U.S. was doing shady things with coronaviruses too, but the leak came from China, not us. Ya’ll have a poor track record of biolab leaks, we don’t. Still, I’d have no issue with an investigation. But perhaps from an entity better than a bought-off internationalist centralizer organization.
This kind of argument is called a “Tu quoque” logical fallacy. Instead of acknowledging the inherent issues presented, most obviously the fact that their was a biolab that was studying bat coronaviruses and the virus was first found/spread in that town within China and it spread solely from China, you address criticism with criticism, not a counterpoint.