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The CDC Childhood Vaccine Schedule Part 2

Autism and the CDC vaccine schedule.

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CDC Childhood Vaccines: A Followup

It is time to follow up on my article, The CDC Childhood Vaccine Schedule.

A great compilation list has dropped recently. This time, courtesy of Kirsch.

Go down to “The list (in no particular order)” and start reading there. You’ll find gems, such as these:

If vaccines don’t cause autism, then how do you explain all this evidence?

214 papers in the peer-reviewed literature linking vaccines and autism: Autism mom Ginger Taylor compiled a list of 214 studies showing the link between vaccines and autism. Here’s the list as a single download. Here’s a short list (30 key papers). There are also 400 papers showing how dangerous the vaccines are in general. See Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers.


The McDowell triplets all became autistic within hours of each other on the same day (full video here). How is that possible? Easy. They were all vaccinated at the exact same time in the same pediatrician appointment with just one vaccine shot: the pneumococcal vaccine! Date of vaccination 6/25/07. They never held hands again after that day. The girl (Clair) shut completely off just 2 hours after the shot. The first boy, Richie, shut down 4 hours after the shot. See also this article. They were all 9 months and 4 days old at the time with no problems. The geneticist that was consulted told the McDowell’s that it is an IMPOSSIBILITY for this to happen due to GENETICS. It is impossible for three different siblings to genetically get autism on the same day. What they mean by that statement is that the odds of this happening are so rare that you are highly unlikely to see a single case like this in your lifetime if it happened by chance. The article goes on to say, “We hear about children getting autism ALL THE TIME after their vaccinations.”


Paul Thomas (2020) had 0 autism cases in 561 unvaxxed patients total. For patients who followed the CDC vaccination schedule, there were 15 autism cases in 894 patients. The Fisher exact test p-value is 0.0008 which is stunning. See also this excellent article about the study which points out that “unvaccinated children are healthier in several metrics and enjoy 25 times fewer pediatric visits.” The bad guys were able to get the paper retracted by claiming the higher rates of autism among the vaccinated were due to more office visits. The problem with that criticism is that the reason for retraction was later disproven in a subsequent paper.


There are other pediatric clinics in the US which eschew vaccination. For example, at Homefirst Medical Services, “We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we’ve taken care of over the years, and I don’t think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines.” What makes this believable is that other clinics who didn’t vaccinate reported the same results.

I encourage interested readers to go read the full article, and even the comments. The comments add quite a few extra data points that Steve left out, such as:

There is more evidence in Turtles All the Way Down (I did not see in this article or in comments, my apologies if I missed it).

A. A study was done in Israel. There was no autism among Ethiopian children born in Ethiopia (and presumably unvaccinated) but the autism rate among the children of Ethiopian descent born in Israel was similar to the national rate. (source)

B. There were news reports about high rate of autism among children of Somali descent in Minnesota (source), much higher than the national average. However, all the autistic children were born in the US, not in Somalia (source).

You really have to be skeptical about everything in the industrialized world.

I don’t know how any sane person could read these reports and not walk away at least a little skeptical of the “science“.

Any person with a functioning brain should sense something off, truthfully. Autism was rare just a few decades ago. Now 1 in 36 children are on “the spectrum”. Every kid now has asthma and allergies. These are all immune system problems. That doesn’t just happen randomly. Something(s) changed.

Like I always say, vaccines are just one part of our great health degeneration. But they are still an impactful part. Pay attention to them.

Big Pharma is Big Evil. Be cautious of what you let them inject in your children. Do your due diligence.

Read Next: CRISPR: Humans Playing God


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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