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They said it would not happen for years, but a BRICS Bill is already here.
The BRICS countries are adding memberships as fast as they are crafting their own counter-USD currencies.
Just take a look at this:
It’s an outcome that alternative economists have long predicted as inevitable – The dumping of the US dollar as the world reserve currency and the petro currency by the BRICS nations in favor of a new multi-currency system or “basket system.” For decades the dollar has reigned supreme as the most favored currency for international trade, replacing the British Pound Sterling (officially) after the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944.
This status (along with the end of the gold standard) gave the Federal Reserve Bank the power to print cash with wild abandon without facing immediate inflationary consequences. As long as dollars are held overseas by foreign governments, banks and corporations, inflation in the US can be mitigated despite quantitative easing. If the dollar loses reserve status and the trillions of dollars stored in foreign markets flood back into the US economy, an inflationary disaster would result well beyond what America is already dealing with today.
Given this fact, it’s not surprising that Vladimir Putin avidly discussed the potential of a new BRICS currency system during the trade coalition’s summit this week in Kazan, Russia. He knows that the dollar’s reserve status is America’s strength, but also America’s greatest weakness.
Putin unveiled a “symbolic” BRICS bank note at the summit, suggesting that the plan to dump the dollar may be much closer to fruition than many economists expect.
NATO sanctions ended up pushing the BRICS closer together, with China and India greatly increasing trade with Russia and China forming more defined military ties with the Kremlin.
In other words, the naysayers that claim the dollar will not be replaced as the world reserve for many decades to come are delusional. The process is already well underway.
I am impressed at how fast BRICS is moving. They are not messing around.
I remember back when I was at first warning about this, everybody else said that BRICS was not a big deal: That it would take them years to get something like this. But here’s Putin literally waving it around in all of our faces.
Turns out everyone else was wrong, and it was much faster than even I had predicted.
It makes me think that the Russians and the Chinese know they are on a timer. They are building up this coalition incredibly fast. Haphazardly so, almost.
I know this particular story is getting overlooked, especially because of the upcoming election and all the regional war news.
But this news is just as important.
A BRICS Bill is equivalent to a financial declaration of war against the United States.
Our hegemony revolves around maintaining tight control of the world’s financial market. We do this through the USD. To threaten to remove that is to threaten to remove the very lampstand that gives us our power.
Countries need our dollars because of the worldwide financial system we created post World War Two. Because of this, we have the liberty of being able to print and inflate our currency, unlike other countries. We can print, and then other countries have to hold our bag for us, because they need our USD.
This is how our military is sustained, and frankly how all of our economy is sustained. Losing this lever of power, combined with our debt levels, we would enter a depression the likes of which this country has never seen. It would make the ’20s look like a cakewalk.
A BRICS bill would pierce the heart of our hegemony. It makes worthless that financial system which benefits and sustains the United States.
Our elites know this. They know that they can’t hold their own hegemony if this transpires.
Something must be done to stop it.
Which is why this is de facto a declaration of war that we just read in this article. A subtle, implicit declaration, but that is still a declaration.
Which makes me wonder what our elites know that we do not. They are oddly calm and quiet about this development. They are biding their time, or at least that’s what it appears like to me.
The United States should consider this a grave threat. Maybe our rulers are freaking out behind closed doors, but it almost seems like they pushed these BRICS countries in this direction purposefully.
Why? I could not tell you. But you can’t tell me it doesn’t seem to be that way. Just look at all our elites have been doing. They could’ve stopped this 1000 times over by now. But it doesn’t seem like they want to. For whatever reason, forcing BRICS hand like this seems to be all a part of the plan. They actually seem to want them to do this: To “force” their hand.
But, I could be wrong. Maybe they just really are that dumb.
I just don’t buy it. In this case, I feel like it is more nefariousness rather than ignorance. That’s my gut instinct.
Time will tell if that intuition is right or not.
But one thing that is not an opinion or a gut feeling is that Putin just declared a financial war on the United States of America with this news. There is no other way that this can be interpreted.
Read Next: Mainstream Media: “Printing Trillions Of Dollars Might Not Cause Inflation”
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Any thoughts on what we as individuals should be doing with our money? Is there any merit in the QFS (Quantum Financial System) I’ve heard about, or should we be converting our dollars into a foreign currency?
I’ve wrote about this previously, but not enough. Probably the most direct article addressing this would be this question would be this one: Global Supply Chain Collapse: The Solution (Tangible Consumption Assets). It is old (2021), but my thoughts are relatively still the same. I think wise people are preparing practically and pragmatically with tangible goods as much as is feasible (and reasonable). I need to update it though, so thanks for the article idea.
I am interested in QFS, but as far as I am aware it is still largely theoretical as far as widespread application. And foreign currency will only be of benefit if the current financial system maintains, which we know it won’t.
Just my two cents.
Am I the only person who wishes the United States would work with Russia diplomatically to avoid war? I see no reason for our two countries to be enemies. I suspect it’s because of financial conflicts between the elites who lobby in both of our governments. From what I gather, Russia is full of devout Christians. Makes me think the federal reserve owners would like nothing more than Christian brothers to kill each other (like what’s happening in Ukraine.)
That ship sailed ages ago. The right time would’ve been shortly after the USSR collapsed; instead of seeing the Cold War’s end as a new path to peace, the American establishment just got cocky and began pushing NATO further and further east.
Yep, exactly right.
By no means are you the only person, but the United States is literally owned of, by, and for Israel. And yes, if they can pit white Christian against white Christian until there are no more, that’s their endgame.
I am with you Cameron. There are far too many Christians in Russia for me to be ok with war against them. You are not alone in that thought, but I fear people like us won’t get to make that choice.