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Well, the Reddit legion did not last very long. It generally isn't smart to livestream your location in the middle of a war. Who knew?
If you’re out of the loop—Ukraine is (was?) accepting Foreign Legionnaires for their domestic defense force. A bunch of Redditors and other Marvel-is-the-real-world fanatics got on a plane and went to Ukraine to sign up. They then broadcasted their location on numerous social media platforms to virtue signal about their decision. Russia found these posts and summarily bombed their position.
You’d think this was fake because no one could be that stupid, but you have to remember it is Redditors and other culturally indoctrinated sheep we are talking about.
The Yavoriv Military Base:
Here is one participant’s thoughts on the bombing:
Yes, I was here today and blown off the top bunk of my bunk bed in the barracks by the first missile. This is where all the foreign legion troops are, the 35 killed were all Ukrainian mostly due to a direct hit on their barracks next to mine. The base is destroyed, the weapons depot destroyed, possibly the end of the legion. About 60 people with their heads on straight including myself left after the attack. They’re sending untrained guys to the front with little ammo and shit AKs and they’re getting killed. The guys who stayed got bombed again in the afternoon and casualties aren’t clear. If you still want to to join them I’m not sure what the process will be since literally all the infrastructure supporting the training/assignments of volunteers is all destroyed. The guys who are there now will all be going to Kyiv and many will die, the legion is totally outgunned and has a few crazy Ukrainian leaders. After the attack one officer wanted to march everyone to Kyiv and fight. Absolute insanity. Stay home.
I didn’t go to Ukraine for the clout. I asked the right questions, deleted my posts, actually bought a plane ticket and brought my ass over. I said in another comment that yes it was 35 Ukrainians killed because their barracks got directly hit. The 180 bullshit is real Russian propaganda. If you think I’m a Russian agent you’re just in denial that the situation is absolutely fucked. Go ahead and join the legion, by all means, but be very aware of how bad Kyiv is going to get and be aware that Russians have warplanes and you will have next to nothing. Be very acceptant of the possibility of death. Those of us who left, including SF operators from multiple countries, are simply risk mitigating. No one wants to die in an unfair fight, and after getting absolutely fucking pummeled by massive cruise missiles today – yeah I kind of want people to think twice before turning their life upside down to go and volunteer.
Like a lot of dudes there have experience and really wanted to shape the battlefield and impact their advance, but ultimately they’re manning frontline positions that are going to get hammered with artillery and airstrikes, buried under rubble and your family never gets your body. That’s when a lot of guys say yeah this isn’t our fight, not like this.
Many of these idiots actually thought they’d be doing Superhero-type special operations missions.
They did not realize that is not how “foreign legions” operate:
It takes the absolutely smallest modicum of intelligence to recognize that if you sign up for a foreign army, that foreign army is going to be putting you on the frontline instead of its own highly needed and diligently trained soldiers.
They aren’t going to care about some foreigner and trust them in highly sensitive special operations missions. You’re cannon fodder and simply another moving target to distract the Russians from shooting everyone else. You are not their blood; they have no reason to care about you.
This entire story gets even better when you consider the biolab connection:
Perhaps the best part, the “omg evil nazis” Redditors are actively signing up to go fight alongside… Ukranian Neo-nazi Azov battalions. This should show you that they don’t actually care about nazis, it’s just a virtue signalling thing. Which is probably why they broadcasted their position online, getting them all blown up and forcing the survivors to flee to Poland after the first Russian attack.
And I’ll just leave this here for you to ponder:
Redditors and similar leftist nutcases can barely overcome the anxiety brought about by “micro-aggressions” and being identified with the wrong pronoun. It is no surprise their Avenger-based war dreams did not last for very long before they were, quite literally, blown up.
I’d also like to toss in the fact that fighting for a foreign army is treasonous to your host country. You generally surrender citizenship for giving up your blood for another country. At least, that’s what sane countries consider reasonable.
But if we actually did that here, it’d probably be better for them in the long-run. Then, the “foreign legionnaires” could come back as an illegal alien and have more rights and privileges than they had as an actual citizen. A sad thought, but an accurate understanding of our current situation.
Either way, the Reddit legion has fallen.
We had surmised that the upvotes would protect them in the real world, like a type of digital body armor. It seems the tech is not quite there yet.
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