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Pushing back against the blind fear of government while ignoring every other centralizer in the nation.
I was reading a daunting article on Lithuania recently:
“So Deeply, Deeply Wrong” – Lithuanian Without Vaccine Pass Describes Life Under Medical Tyranny
Lithuania introduced a Covid Pass in May. It’s called the Opportunity Pass. The Opportunity Pass allows you the opportunity to participate in society. Without the Opportunity Pass, you don’t have opportunity: your rights are restricted.
The government app shows the fun you’ll have participating in the opportunities of society if you have the Opportunity Pass. There is no illustration of life for people without the Pass.
In August, Lithuania passed a law to restrict the rights of people who don’t have the Covid Pass. Other countries are moving in that direction. In Lithuania, it’s already in force: all restrictions are already fully effective, and enforcement is strict.
Without a Pass, you may not enter any shopping center or large supermarket. At the entrances, people queue in line to be verified. Guards scan the Pass of each person. If you have a valid Pass, the light flashes green and beeps. Then you may enter. No Pass, no entrance.
Without a Pass, you may only shop in small stores which mainly sell food, pharmaceuticals, glasses and contact lenses, veterinary goods, or farming supplies. You may not enter stores which mainly sell other products.
Without a Pass, you may not enter any restaurant, cafe, or bar. Without a Pass, you may not enter banks or insurance companies, except for essential purposes – e.g., pensions or social benefits – where the service lasts no longer than 15 minutes.
Without a Pass, you may not visit patients in medical facilities or senior care/residential homes. The only exception is for terminally-ill patients and children under 14 years of age, if the doctor gives advance permission.
Without a Pass, you may not enter indoor public events or spaces, such as conferences, fitness centers, or beauty services like hair and nails.
One part in particular stood out:
We battled Soviet propaganda and “Show me your documents!” authoritarianism, only to acquiesce to media-led propaganda and technocratic health authoritarianism of “Show me your Covid Pass!”
This is key.
It shows how we’ve only made progress with one type of centralizer: the politburo (the government). The media (cultural markers), health authorities (intelligentsia), and corporations (isolated class) centralizers all get a pass.
Read this if that sentence above makes little sense to you: How Centralizers Cooperated To Conquer You Using Covid.
We have done nothing for conquering the other centralizers, even though they are just as problematic. They will all lead to the same path.
They have indoctrinated the older generations with a fear of government. Anything the government does is bad or evil, according to the mantra. This handicaps the government, but leaves everything blindsided to the other centralizer arenas. But the harsh reality is that the government, controlled by the people, is the only way to stop the other arenas.
Older generations have this innate fear of government which blindsides them to the fear they should have: of all centralizers. The government is certainly one piece to the puzzle of tyranny, but it’s not the only one, nor the only path to it. Ironically, the government is the only piece that is actually at least somewhat accountable to the populace. International corporations, cultural markers, and the intelligentsia certainly aren’t in any respect.
Corporations (financial centralizers) and their cultural/intellectual counterparts are just as bad considering they can overtake everything just as easily if left to their own devices with no oversight or control by the people. The damage a cultural marker and intelligentsia effort can do to a people is catastrophic: they can destroy the very soul and spirit of a people, something even a government cannot do. To only be afraid of big government and not watchful of other potential centralizers is foolish.
The older generations have kept a watchful eye to make sure government doesn’t overstep its bounds. Even if that means letting corporations, cultural institutions, and the intelligentsia trample over them with absolutely no restrictions. “That’s fine, so long as the government isn’t the one doing it”, they said. But the end result is the same: authoritarianism. Just procured through different initial means.
They missed the mark, because eventually these centralizers will get powerful enough that they can indirectly control that government through various means within their own arena. And once they have every single power institution in the nation, it doesn’t matter what the people think or do anymore. It’s irrelevant.
It’s the slogan: “Don’t tread on me”, solely directed at the government. But apparently when every cultural institution, institutional authority, and corporation treads on them, then it’s fine. We don’t want the government lining us up against the wall, but if corporations starve us to death and cultural institutions enact a vigilant-witchhunt against us, that’s just “freedom”.
No. We need pushback against every centralizer. Not just the one that they have pinpointed us at.
The problem, as always, is the centralizers. All of them, not a specific centralizer group. They are all just as damaging. They are all just as malicious.
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Thank you for the information. It is truely priceless.
What do we do with it from here is uncertain as America is being attacked on a grand scale by foreign & domestic terrorism…