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a nation of immigrants

The Big Lie: “America Is A Nation Of Immigrants”

We are not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of hardened settlers. Breaking down one of modernity's favorite dogmas.

a nation of immigrants

A Nation of Immigrants

Organizations like the Brookings Institute love to spread the “nation of immigrants” dogma. But it’s likely they have never truly thought much deeper about the subject than John F. Kennedy’s book of the same name.

This mantra discredits the existence of heritage America. It erases our shared history, values, and cultures to that of a “melting pot”. This belief, in a nation of immigrants, is one of the most pervasive lies that remain instilled in our people to this day.

A belief in the immigrant nation theory is one of the most common indicators of a member of the grey masses. Because even most leftist zealots know it’s not true.

Multiculturalism is not our history. Settler colonialism is. We’re descendants of a nation of hardened settlers, such as the Anglo-Saxons, Scots, Irish, Germans, and so forth. This history had to be overwritten to appease the civil rights advocates, and the neocons let it happen. The elites needed a new narrative on U.S. History to address the issues in our past that presented problems to them. Thus, the idea of an immigrant nation was born.

What’s most curious is that even other left-wing outlets, such as NPR, have given up the battle for the immigrant nation narrative. Instead, they say that because of the Immigration Act of 1965, now we are a nation of immigrants. Same conclusion, but no longer with a focus on the founding. Even other looney leftists like the Boston Review are publishing headlines about America not being an immigrant nation. They are moving away from the “immigration-nation from the founding” theory because it is being too discredited and it no longer serves their purpose of silencing identitarians.

The only ones left that cling to this narrative are the grey masses that had it shoved down their throats for decades.

But that theory is discredited for good reason. Because it’s wrong. You don’t need to be a genius to figure it out. Just review some real raw immigration data. That’s literally all it takes. But people can’t even be bothered to do that. They just keep believing the dogma.

But since you came to this page, you won’t be so lucky. You’re forced to see it:

foreign born population over time usa

In 1830, nearly 60 years post-founding, the percent of foreign-born population was only 1.6%. We were getting about 60k immigrants a year until then, which is so small compared to overall population growth that it is barely reportable.

But it gets even better because we’re already nearing the peak:

nation of immigrants image showing numbers of immigrants in America over time

Notice the blue bar around 1970, which is right around the time that the elites started telling everyone we are a nation of immigrants.

Most “nation of immigrants” advocates like to use the total number of current immigrants as proof of their position, but that’s disingenuous. What matters is the percent of foreign-born population relative to the natives. Our immigration amounts were not large throughout history until recent years. Neither was our immigrant population percentage.

We cap out at about 15% back in the 1870s to early 90s.

Then the percentage of immigrants declines.

So much for a nation of immigrants—We dropped to only about 5% until the Boomer years and their related policies.

NPR is right (for once) when they say that in 1965 we became a nation of immigrants, all because of that one Act of 1965.

15% is hardly an amount to write home about regarding foreign-born populations. Again, let’s turn to the data to see why.

Let’s take a snapshot at 1960 for some similar states:

The purpose of this example isn’t to show that America is the lowest. It’s to show that America is situated somewhere in the middle. We are average when it comes to percent of foreign-born populations. This number flexes a bit over time country-to-country, but we remain relatively average until more recently.

The short takeaway is we were not different from any other nation regarding the intake of immigrants.

If we’re a nation of immigrants, so is everyone else. Many far more so than us.

The other big key to this issue is the type of immigrant being taken in. Most people think of non-whites when they hear the word “immigrant”. The “nation of immigrants” gives the visual imagery that there were boatloads of Mexicans and Indians arriving throughout all of our history. This simple isn’t true. That shift did not happen until the Act.

Again, the data:

demographics of immigrants throughout america history

Even in the early 1960s, the vast majority of immigrants were European/Canadian. This percentage is even larger the further back you go. It wasn’t until after the Immigration Act was going at full speed that the shift to the “diverse immigrant nation” occurred.

Throughout most of our history, it was immigrants of other similar people that assimilated rapidly. A lot of Canadian settlers of similar character and Europeans.

Look at the state distribution of immigrants for a clear example. Both in the past and a more recent example. It will blow you away if you haven’t seen this information before:

country of origin data united states map
country of origin data united states map - nation of immigrants

Compare those to now:

country of origin by year 2013 immigrant nation

There are a lot of other great views if you go to the link above. You’ll probably have to use the un-archived version.

All of this should make it clear: We’ve been lied to since birth about the ‘immigrant nation’ dogma.

We are our own nation; our own people. We deserve to exist and have a shared culture just like all other nations. Our people should not be overwritten because of immigrants.

A heritage nation exists within the United States. We will continue to exist. This remains reality whether the immigrants and leftists want to believe it or not.

Read Next:

The Red Terror In Spain: A Lesson In Resilience

The Collapse Of America: Historical Parallels

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. I knew this and felt this way about America ever since I immigrated here decades ago. It was obvious this was a nation state founded and built by the genius and toil of Europeans. An expression of their spiritual faith (Christianity) and European ideals and world view. Today we are quickly becoming an outpost of a third world narco state, Mexico. Our language, borders and culture are being ersed, our heritage and heroes trashed. Its a disaster of catastrophic proportions and the biggest injustice I have ever seen. We MUST find a way to take our counry back. This counry belongs to the people who created AND built it from the ground up. And they were NOT immigrants, they were Americans. Great article! I learnt so much.

  2. I had recently posted the following on a Fox News Youtube channel, because they showed Obama preaching we were a “Nation of Immigrants” (The video was called “Dem led cities bussing migrants to New York and Chicago”.

    I doubt its still there, but here is the post.

    “I am sick to death of the “Nation of immigrants” lie. America was NEVER such a place until recently.

    America was a EUROPEAN OUTPOST, that expanded into wild forests and plains until it was a colony of 13 Europeans states, which rebelled and gained its independence. Until the 1967 Hart-Seller act (the most DESTRUCTIVE legislation ever put forth!) America was 94 percent white European from its founding until then. These lies to the contrary of this, and that legislation are a masquerade, hiding a destructive genocidal agenda. There are MANY clips of politicians from the 60s-70s you can hunt down showing that politicians PROMISED that the legislation would not alter our cities or the demographics of our great nation. As anyone can plainly see, that was nothing but a deliberate lie! And if they pulled this crap on ANY non European nation (Look at the reaction to Tibet for example) there would be protests and struggles to fight and reverse it and call it out for what it truly is. Evil

    We WERE a nation of settlers, explorers, adventurers, warriors, and heroes. Now we are a nation under hostile occupation, living like a conquered people without ever a shot being fired. Lies and deception are far more dangerous than armies. And the traitor within is far more destructive than a a million soldiers. Look at clips of 1950s Detroit, Baltimore, or California and compare them to now. THAT is what they have done! Are we better off, or far, far worse? I think the answer is observably clear to anyone being intellectually honest. Just because I dont want MY people destroyed does NOT MEAN I think I am “superior”, nor does it mean I hate or would never welcome any others in a limited capacity. Those who say I am are playing psychological warfare word games to hide their agenda to destroy my people and culture!

    And the sick thing is, there is high chance this will be shadow banned, so I will screen shot it and post it elsewhere as well. Because these are things that NEED to be stated, that everyone has been afraid to say!”


    Its frustrating knowing the truth and yet knowing how ignorant so many people are concerning this. So I did a search, and found your article, realizing too that its not that people cannot FIND the truth despite censorship on mainstream platforms….Its that many dont even bother to want to KNOW what the truth is, and that is shameful.

    God bless those of you, like the author of this article and any of you out there who know, and stand on the truth! The last vanguard of the west, the last of the line of heroes of the past is how I see each and every such person!

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