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The Belmod Theory

The Belmod Theory: A Doctor Calls Out Vax Tyranny

Add another data point to my Belmod theory. A doctor calls out the vax tyranny coming from his own profession and does so in the usual hivemind manner.

The Belmod Theory

According to my IQ theory (the Belmod Theory), the only people who would immediately place enhanced trust in someone because of some authority or credential (“doctor”) are those with average IQs.

However, it’s always fun when a compromised field turns against itself. A doctor recently confirmed that doctors are sheep:

I find myself in the position that I must use an alias for fear of reprisal.  Those days may be quickly coming to an end, as hospitals are denying requests for vaccine exemptions with impunity.  I will likely soon be out the door, with nothing to lose.  Even if I survive this round, if the “pandemic” continues, it won’t be long before I am shelved like a can of spam.

Doctors need to be called out.  From early in the pandemic, it was like a mass hypnosis or forgetfulness of everything we had learned in medical school.  Immune system knowledge was shelved and replaced by government dictates.  The thought of early outpatient treatment with “off label” drugs that could modulate the immune system was forbidden.  We essentially told patients that they had to go home and wait until they were sick enough to be hospitalized, then treatment would begin.  Imagine telling all diabetics that there is no metformin, Glucophage, or insulin.  Would we really wait until patients are in diabetic ketoacidosis, and then treat them only at the hospital?  It is medical malfeasance of a grand scale.

We physicians gave up our training and our reasonable medical thought process.  The reasons are multiple.  First, it was the easy way out.  Second, many of us are employed and feared reprisal.  Third, despite what the public thinks, we physicians are not bold leaders, we tend to be sheep, and are afraid of having an entire institution ostracize us or our colleagues to think us crazy.

As we got to the point of vaccine rollout, doctors were not using the scientific method, questioning and challenging prevailing hypotheses.  They kept their heads down, closed clinics, converted to telemedicine, and pushed only the jab.

I especially enjoyed the following part:

Third, despite what the public thinks, we physicians are not bold leaders, we tend to be sheep, and are afraid of having an entire institution ostracize us or our colleagues to think us crazy.

Which also proves my Belmod Theory in action. This doctor, clearly in the hivemind category (which so often doctors are), thinks that everyone else thinks his field is full of “bold leaders”. He places his field on a pedestal, even when that has never and will never be the public perception… at all.

A study from 2014 found that barely half of Americans (58%) even agreed with the statement “All things considered, doctors in [your country] can be trusted”. That number has certainly dropped due to covid, and I find it highly unlikely that a majority of those 58% would say they are “bold leaders”, when half of the country doesn’t even trust them.

But that is how you know he is truthful. He is clearly actually a doctor. The God-complex is shining through even when he is talking badly about his own profession.

So, not only do we have a doctor calling out other doctors as sheep in a hivemind, but we have one that is also showing another aspect of that very same category while doing so. A two-for-one deal for the theory.

Which is no surprise. They are the hivemind IQ group, so of course they are sheep. That’s their IQ bracket and why so many of them are following the line and licking the boot. They need that prestige and constant validation of their supposed superiority. Maybe it’s a sexual kink. Who knows at this point.

Don’t get me wrong, I am happy one of them is speaking out. But I do find the humor and irony in it all.

They are all hivemind and shouldn’t be trusted because of that. You should not trust people because of some credential or authority. It signifies absolutely nothing of value. I have found throughout my life that the people so concerned with status are likely to be the least trustworthy.

I truly believe that this hivemind group is the most dangerous of them all, in terms of societal impact. No other bracket does the damage that they do. That’s especially clear here with what this doctor is discussing with regard to the medical community and the covid response. The only reason they could do this is because the average always falls for it, and the extremes of the IQ distribution are too few in number to resist properly in a rule by many government. It all ties in together, but it all starts with their failures.

Add another data point for my IQ theory being reality.

And while we’re on the topic: It’s also worthwhile to mention that the lies being perpetuated are not even meant to be seen as fact by the people saying them (doctors and the like). They know they can get the parrots to keep chirping it out, but it also serves a secondary purpose, which is to morally wear us out. The constant lies serve as a constant hammer to your sanity. It is meant to break you down, demoralize you, and get you to just give in.

Don’t do it.

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Intelligence And Methods Of Acquiring Knowledge

The Self-Sufficient Backyard Diagram

A Necessary Culture Change: From Consumption To Production


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


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