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The Amish and covid

The Amish Have Covid Figured Out

Reviewing the Amish approach to the covid pandemic. Including a video by a Mennonite explaining their process.

The Amish and Covid

The Amish said screw you, we’re not locking down, we’re not testing, we’re not wearing masks, we’re not getting the covid vaccine, we’re still going to go to church, and we’re not going to the hospital. They even shared a cup together at church, so they all caught the virus at the same time.

Then they reached herd immunity within a few months. The result? There were fewer deaths in the Amish community.

They have truly mastered communitarianism.

Watch this video. The Mennonite guy is hysterical. Well worth the five minutes:

Just look at these kids, living as if there is no pandemic. It’s a mystery how they’re all still alive:

Amish kids amidst covid

I should join an Amish commune to escape this hellscape. But then who would keep all of you entertained?

It’s still a viable exit strategy, though. At least, until they come for the Amish. Then there really would be no escape.

Read Next:

The Scott Adams’ Vax Prediction Timeline

A Collection Of The Sayings Of The Branch Covidians

Beating Covid In 72 Hours


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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