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Learn to recognize and resist the American Demoralization strategy currently being employed against us.
Things like this are a prime example of a demoralization strategy being used against us:
Va. Dem. House candidate performed sex online with husband for tips
Susanna Gibson is running in a competitive district with control of the House at stake
RICHMOND — A Democrat running for a crucial seat in Virginia’s House of Delegates performed sex acts with her husband for a live online audience and encouraged viewers to pay them with “tips” for specific requests, according to online videos viewed by The Washington Post.
You know it is demoralization because she was ousted by the Washington Post, a leftist rag, which then goes on the defensive with the following:
Corey D. Silverstein, a prominent adult entertainment industry lawyer, said there is nothing illegal about streaming sex acts online as long as the participants and viewers are consenting adults — even if they are paid to perform specific acts.
“There is absolutely no law that they are violating — none,” he said. “In this case, you have two adults who are engaging in consensual sex, and they’ve decided they want to broadcast that, and they’re doing so in exchange for tipping. There’s absolutely nothing illegal about it.”
“I think it’s fantastic you have someone running who has an open sex life. It’s actually very refreshing,” added Silverstein, who is based in Michigan but practices around the country and the world.
There is “nothing illegal” about what was done, but maybe we don’t want our representatives to be webcam whores? Is that too much to ask in Weimerica?
Also, maybe it should be illegal. No hoes in public office. Just a thought.
Yet, she continues to run. And she will probably still get a decent chunk of the fraudulent vote.
That entire process and candidacy is meant for demoralization, not winning the seat. If they really wanted to win the seat, they’d kick her out and the Washington Post wouldn’t have been the prime reporter of the story. But that is exactly what happened. Because they want you to think it is normal to have a webcam prostitute as a viable candidate for representative public office.
It’s all designed to demoralize you.
The same can be said for other political actors we see so often now.
John Fetterman wearing shorts and a hoodie everywhere is another obvious demoralization campaign. They recently relaxed the White House dress rules so he could continue to be a hobo. He is one of the most powerful people in this country, and he dresses like a homeless man while trying to manage has significant mental illnesses (plural). He is a perfect representation of explicit demoralization.
Biden fits the bill, too. We all know he is fraudulent. But they keep him there, anyway. Dementia and all.
Who needs even the slightest form of dignity in our highest office? Let’s instead have demented 90-year-olds, webcam prostitutes, and mentally-ill hobos. It should be obvious to every dissident that this is demoralization being employed against the citizenry.
We even see this in the military, with the Tranissary generals who mistakenly think they are a different gender but are given authority to command our soldiers.
Equally so in the federal executive, with people like Sam Brinton who are clearly mentally unstable but put in charge of nuclear-related departments.
In short, it’s everywhere.
But it’s everywhere on purpose.
All the degenerates, weirdos, losers, and mentally ill are there for a reason. It’s not an “accident” by the elite, or “a failure” by those running the show. They aren’t “choosing people that are easy to control” or any other such nonsense.
The ruling class knows exactly what they are doing, and they directly placed these people in those specific positions for the purpose they hope to achieve. That purpose is demoralization.
This is planned, discussed, and activated as a part of their overall strategy. It has been for a long time. The ruling class is not making mistakes here.
Yuri Bezmenov taught us this decades ago, and yet many still keep falling for it.
The linear pattern Yuri described repeats. Demoralization, destabilization, crisis, normalization, repeat. Once a “new normal” is acquired, the demoralization increases in severity and repeats. They break our spirit down piece-by-piece until their desired standard is normalized and then they continue to degenerate it further for fun.
Demented public officials, absolute reprobate leadership, and lunatics in positions of influence in our society are currently being normalized. But we should not forget that prior demoralization occurred first to allow it to be this bad now. This has been going on for a long time.
Then the question arises: “Why”? What is the purpose of this?
All of this is designed to make you hate the entirety of the United States.
Demoralization campaigns are always designed to make you hate their target. Which, in this case, is the United States itself.
They want us to individualize, to make us abandon hope, and to be apathetic about the status of our own land and people.
It is fine to hate evil. It is fine to hate what our state has become and the reprobates who lead it. In fact, I think that’s a good thing.
But do not let the root demoralization infest your mind—Never hate our land or our people. They are just as lost as we all are right now. They are just as trapped as we are. Never give up hope that this cannot be fixed.
Our land can be repaired and made great again. Our people can be elevated once again. We can create a healthy state for the benefit of those people and the management of that land.
Demoralization is done to atomize and individualize us; to get us to break apart. Don’t let it.
When you see things like this, come together even more. Refine that fiery hatred and disgust that you feel when you see this degeneration, and realize it is hurting your people just as much. Even if they don’t realize it.
Point your anger against the demoralizers; not the demoralized.
They want you to believe there is no hope, and there is no chance to correct this.
They are dead wrong. We can and will win.
Let’s start by resisting their demoralization strategy.
Read Next: “Democracy Is The Best System We’ve Got”
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In my opinion these serve primarily as tests of the strength of the people’s will to resist. They do it with less consequential matters, allowing them to gauge whether there is enough weakness for them to push the more consequential ones, e.g., gun confiscation. The former alone won’t allow them to achieve full-blown tyranny, but it can help them test the waters before moving on the latter which will. It’s important for them not to strike prematurely, lest they face resistance that ignites a spirit of defiance that unites those who hate them and spills over into other areas, rolling back their gains.
Good observation. I am sure that is a factor at play, as well.