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All aboard—Welcome to the ride! But we have some bad news: The American Degeneracy Train has no brakes. So strap in. We're going to crash.
In anticipation for a wonderful holiday, the fourth of July, I’d like to issue a friendly reminder: the American degeneracy train has no brakes.
And you’re on it. Welcome! Enjoy the ride.
Women are willing banging dogs and statutorily raping kids for money. Most music, movies, and advertisements all revolve around sex constantly. We are addicted to our own physical appearance.
Sex is a naturally evolved need and desire that our species should have. But we’re not monkeys. We shouldn’t have to have such a strong focus on it. It’s everywhere. Nor should degenerate acts be encouraged or shoved in the faces of every person. Men are naturally inclined to be violent, a basic hormonal urge not much different from sex. But we reject that. Because it’s harmful at whole to society. Well, so is pervasive sexual objectification.
We are money-obsessed. And sex sells. Because of this consumer-driven mindset, it’s a problem with an unbreakable cycle.
An easy indicator of this is our society’s constant need for physical validation: bordering on obsession. Famous celebrities have to be flawless, Instagram sponsorettes spend hours getting the perfect picture, and men take pills to save their hair that could render them mentally stupid and ball-less.
All of these, and for what? To showcase sex—lust. Because that’s what is constantly pushed in the faces of everyone as soon as they are old enough to become subverted.
Porn is another beast entirely. Women willingly selling sex and objectification for some money, typically to use on drugs and other short-term pursuits. Porn harms women, it harms men, it subverts our sexuality into ever-increasing degenerate acts to get the same dopamine high, and yet it is a massively profitable, greedy industry that is only going to grow in power.
Sex is great. It’s healthy. I see no issue with it. But the obsession with appearance, the subversion of sexuality for money, and the sexual decline into degeneracy are clear indicators we’re on this train, whether we want to be or not.
In the 1950s, the government handed out 9 cents for every dollar that American workers earned. Today, that number is nearly 37 cents.
The government hands out money to 41.3 percent of the entire population of the United States, each month.
When you factor in government employees, practically half of Americans depend on government subsidies.
What happened? We are built on some of the most independence-oriented principles this world has ever seen. Our ancestors died specifically to break free from dependence on a foreign nation.
Degeneracy happened—financial degeneracy. Reliance on others for our own means of survival and happiness.
In short, globalism. We broke off the chains from one nation to become increasingly dependent on all other foreign nations, in the interest of savings some money due to countries’ economic specialization.
As our country is dependent on others for things such as manufacturing or natural resources, we as people are dependent on the government for the basics of survival.
Due to this, debt has also increased. Making us mindless slaves chained to the financial issues that plague not just us but our nation as a whole. To pay off this debt, we inhibit, tax, and regulate the producers, the only ones able to dig us out of this mess. We take from them and give to the entitled. Cut the nipple from the government nipple and watch as degeneracy decreases by half overnight, as people must be productive to live.
Dependency will only increase as more socialist practices take hold and they make sure there is more reliance on daddy government. Strap in, the trains only going to increase in speed.
Marriage rates are crashing. Divorce rates are skyrocketing. Broken families are causing screwed up kids. Mommy just wants that child support money. A woman can kill a fetus but daddy can’t financially abort from his responsibilities (hello, jail!).
Children raised in a household with a mom and a dad in a supportive, loving environment always out-do peers and are the most stable children. Kids raised in a separated family tend to do worse. Kids raised by a single mother are notoriously known for being the most at risk.
Yet, that’s where we are heading. Due to lust and sex-obsession, more women are single mothers than ever. Add that to the unwillingness to work on marriages and more willingness to commit adultery, and we see why divorce rates are skyrocketing.
Family is everything. Society is built upon common culture, heritage, and tradition. Family is also built on common bonds, traditions, and unity. That is why family is just a mini version of society.
When we lose that, we lose any semblance to a moral societal structure we could ever hope for.
Yet, we are losing that. It’s normal for kids to be disrespectful. It’s normal for women or men to walk out on their marriages as soon as they believe they are unhappy for 5 minutes. And it’s becoming normal for kids to not grow up in a nurturing environment.
The envy of others. The desire for more money, items, or experiences than others taking precedence over everything else.
The rush for green never ends. Regardless of how much you or anyone else gets. And if someone has a single cent more? Envy takes hold.
I believe this is a result of our desire for instant gratification. We’ve offset the benefits from delayed gratification to want to constantly have what we want now. It doesn’t matter what it is. Whether it be sex, money, power, or even a short ticket to fame.
People will purposely lie, cheat, steal, and act like degenerate morons for fame or money. Look at the majority of “celebrities”.
There is a strong lack of pride in ourselves and our abilities that inhibits modern society. Instead of building ourselves up to be the best, we Photoshop a picture of us to give the false appearance immediately without effort.
This comes because of greed. And the further our society goes secular, the more greed takes precedence over any moral structure that once existed here.
Hollywood should always get a special mention in any degeneracy discussion. You know, seeing as they’re the cause of most of it.
Modern societal standards and taboos are set by media, television, and cultural personalities. Almost all of these are inexplicitly tied to Hollywood today. This is why it was taboo to show your ankles at one time, and now it’s taboo to not be a degenerate harlot.
Hollywood promotes various levels of mental illness, degenerate acts and beliefs, and practically everything not normal or beneficial in life. No wonder suicidal fantasies are on the incline with kids, when you have nothing but degeneracy to grow up with. I feel for the kids that never get to experience true purposes in life outside of humping holes or getting quickly inflating government IOUs.
Hollywood has already normalized degeneracy on a massive scale, such as transgenderism, adultery, cuckolding, sleeping with hundreds of people, choosing money over everything else in life, disregarding family for temporary friends, drug usage, alcoholism, dependency, and so on. This list could go on for a very long time. Truthfully, it should be in its own article.
And Hollywood’s next move? Well, probably just normalizing pedophiles. Why not? They’ve already normalized everything else degenerate at this point.
True, you don’t need a God to be a “good” person in a worldly sense. But it sure provides an incentive.
Instead, we’ve dumped God and shifted to a more secular society.
This has its issues. Principally, we didn’t have a backup plan. So we abandoned God and had nothing to put in its place as a moral grounding for our society. Which is why our morals are all over the place now. Everyone has their own. There is no set stone.
This is an issue, because my morality and yours can differ pretty significantly. So whose right? Who gets to pick? Virtue signaling actors? Douchebag PhDs that don’t know how to change a tire? No, seriously.
Secularism is garbage, because some level of ethics and morality have to be provable. Or at least agreed upon by a society at large. With secularism, we can’t have that.
So we’ve devolved.
On top of this, people still need an “in” to fill their emptiness with when they abandon God. Most atheists now just worship the environment instead. Tangible God with morals versus rock god with a “make-it-up-as-you-go” moral grounding.
So, goodbye to God and hello to a moral structure where I can be as degenerate as I want. And you can too. Sadly, this won’t lead to long-term happiness. Humping a bunch of different women or chasing money will only lead to disappointment, depression, and probably a metric ton in child support.
But the Hollywood movies won’t tell you that story. They’ll only show you the initial glamor. Not the fall from gluttony.
While we’re on the topic of degeneracy, anger is a big component.
People (online, at least) are constantly triggered. Constantly mad or upset about something. They can’t seem to find happiness within themselves or through their lives.
Probably because of the lack of a happiness-centric lifestyle. Trying to get a promotion so you can work more to earn more instead of spending time with the ones that matter to you in life. Trying to live up to a Hollywood standard instead of searching for peace and contentment.
No wonder everyone’s so angry. You can never have the “all” lifestyle. Yet, many of us will spend our entire lives chasing it while not realizing it’s engulfing us.
Another big instigator of degeneracy is our newfound willingness to trade freedom for perceived safety.
It ties in pretty strongly with dependency, but deserved its own special shout out due to the massive impact it has.
People are willing to trade their freedom for a safety that is nonexistent. You will never be fully safe. There will always be danger. There should be, without it, we wouldn’t know peace.
Yet there are people out there that are willing to trade their innate freedoms for even just a perception of being safe. Things such as banning guns so death won’t occur. Or stopping hate speech so violence won’t break out.
These won’t work. They never would. The only way to trade freedom for safety is to forfeit freedom for the appearance of safety.
You can never have both, and you can never break the perception. Our ancestors figured this out a long time ago, which is why they picked freedom. We are forgetting lessons our species has already learned.
There are not a lot of reasons to smoke meth or take some hits from the crack pipe. Yet, many people end up there. Why?
Well, an issue such as that cannot be summed up in a short paragraph. It’s intrinsic, and a pervasive issue stemming from our society.
It is a component of degeneracy, but also a victim of it.
Drug and alcohol dependence and usage stem from the popular “party and don’t care about yourself or anyone else” culture. Drugs get transported, cut, sold, and laced because of greed. Alcohol is pushed in millions of advertisements nationwide in lustful or gluttony-provoking ways.
But none of these will fix the underlying issues: lack of contentment with life. They are only ways to delay that feeling temporarily. We use heavy drugs and alcohol to find an escape. So many people are depressed or anxious because they see no higher purpose to their life aside from living out these completely deranged made-up fantasies of sex, fame, and money that do not actually led to happiness.
Even jobs can contribute to that. Lack of work/life balance with no purpose other than profit maximization renders a soul into a machine; a personality into a confined box.
We have a lack of community due to these issues which direct people to drugs and heavy alcohol consumption. No real friends, no real community, no real connections between each other. Just a drive for more money, an escape, or placeholder happiness.
So while partying, drug use, and heavy alcohol use are certainly prime indicators of increasing degeneracy in the States, they are also the very same victims of the degeneracy that is already pervasive in our neighborhoods. Therefore, the never-ending cycle repeats, getting worse generation after generation.
None of these issues are being improved. Many of them are just getting worse: more degeneracy, cultural decline, and more rejection of actual paths to happiness/contentment.
Our sex-obsessed culture will only continue to become driven by appearance due to the increasing consumer sexual appeal demands. Our drug problem will only get worse as there is more greed and more desire to escape reality. And the chain from the dependency on the government stemming from destroyed family structures is nearly impossible to break off.
Following what Hollywood and the media say will make you happy, won’t. Degeneracy will never be anything more than a temporary, fleeting version of happiness that is masquerading as a cry for help.
So what do we do?
Find happiness in our own lives. Find contentment in things that will actually bring about peace in your life. Delayed gratification, virtuous living, and doing hobbies that benefit you are key starting points. Find a person or person(s) that also believes in these tenants to build a real relationship and connection with.
You may be trapped on the train, but it doesn’t mean you have to help shovel in the coal.
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Wonderful article, you have sumed up the whole world. Things are actually getting out of hand. Free agency is turning human into beast.