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America is an idea is back again

The “America Is An Idea” Folks Are Back

It turns out that I'm not actually a person. I'm just an idea, apparently.

america is an idea is back again

Nope, I’m Still Not An Idea: We Are A People

People like Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager are really hammering the “America is an idea” theory lie lately. Likely due to the war in Israel.

This is the belief that any person can simply move here and adopt “our beliefs” (by whatever standards they set) and become a true-blooded American. It’s also derisively called the Magic Dirt theory, because apparently our dirt can magically transform a person into a different nation group.

The problem is, for people like Shapiro and Prager, they have an actual nation-state led by their own real ethnic that they can flee to if our “idea” over here doesn’t work out too well.

They would never say this about Israel. You see, their people are a people. They can’t be an idea.

Meanwhile, they’ve taken my people and reduced our land to a mere “idea”.

To them, everyone has their own nation, besides European and Americans, apparently. We’re just a stomping ground of flesh-wearing ideas.

This occurs as we’re being overrun by every other nation, largely at the encouragement of their home nation Israel. But unlike them, we have nowhere to run to. We can’t flee to our home nation, because this is it. It’s just been corrupted beyond measure by these folks.

People like them and our own traitors have made our home nation-state into a free-for-all economic zone where all that matters is supposed “ideology”.

Which is an outright lie: Every nation is by blood. Ours is no different.

If these people like the idea so much, I challenge Prager and Shapiro to encourage Israel to also become one big great “idea”, and install some magic dirt themselves so the Palestinians can suddenly become Israelis so long as they adopt the ideology. Then the hostilities and differences in the Middle East would magically resolve, just like they say happens over here with mixing nation groups.

Oh, and they can also take in the world’s immigrants instead of us for a few decades. Israel is a nation of immigrants, after all. That policy approach will surely help their melting pot of ideas.

At the same time, they can take their hands off of my own nation. Because they’ll have their own thriving “idea” over there instead.

For us Americans, I think we have all had enough of our existence and land being reduced to a mere idea, and we’d like our humanity back.

Read Next: America Is A Nation Of People, Not An Idea


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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