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Every Republican should feel ashamed that they still hold on to that title.
What in the absolute hell was that? Did you guys watch that abomination called the “Republican National Convention”?
We all know Uniparty – Red Team is horrible, but that convention was something straight out of a mockery that a dissident would caricaturize them as. I don’t think I could have made them look worse than they did to themselves.
Red Team is hard at work, making you really hate yourself and your country. Unbelievable.
If you were lucky enough to miss it, here is a briefer:
I do my best to avoid cursing on this website, but holy ****ing ****, man. There just aren’t any other words.
Just look at this:
What an absolute clownshow. You can’t tell me this isn’t a clear demoralization attempt.
This week has had too much politics. The attempted Trump assassination, the JD Vance selection… and now this. I can’t handle it. I avoid writing on domestic politics because it’s just so painfully degenerate, and this week is no different.
You know, I just finished an extensive, in-depth study of 1 Kings and 2 Kings in the Bible. The entire time, I could not help but find strong similarities between Northern Israel and the United States. The North just kept getting worse and more evil as they approached the end. Even further from true Faith, even though their priests pretended to hold on to it. Toward the end, there was no repentance; not even an understanding of their insanity or reprobation.
The U.S. is in a similar fate. It just continues to degenerate, and with so few citizens even recognizing it. Nearly the entire population is engulfed in straight delusions. But the sad part is that they love those lies. They wouldn’t want the truth, even if it was known and offered.
The North, once it first fell under Jeroboam 1, never again had a good king. They were only granted different flavors of bad kings.
We are the North, so keep that in mind when looking at your leadership options.
Read Next: The United States Of Degenerates: San Francisco Pride
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Very enlightening, it’s sad that our politicians and civic leaders keep finding ways to destroy our country and the rest of the world.
Agreed Randolph. Stuff like this does create a mournful spirit. Our leaders are dragging us into the abyss.
Kind of reminds me of Isaiah 5:4 ff.
Agreed, great find.
Which makes the coming Isaiah 5:5-6 all the more understandable from God’s perspective.
WAKEup! Trump is the Anti Christ. Pope Francis is the False Prophet. Elon Musk will oversee the RFID patch for Covid and build Holograms for Trump creating the Image of the Beast. U.S. is going to be nuked by Putin. Rev. 17-18. Trump will leave the wounded eagle and build the 3rd Temple. Israel will make him Jewish and all the world will worship Satan as he enters Trump! You just witnessed the One World Religion at the RNC under the authority of Trump the Anti Christ! !
Now this is a wild comment. I don’t agree with it, but you at least get us thinking of some radical possibilities. One piece I could see is the Elon Musk one, though. He is clearly a snake.
Thanks for the grave comment, nonetheless.