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Looking for more information on Teachers Banned From Carrying Guns in New York Schools? Click here and see why that's a moronic idea.
The lovely state of New York recently banned teachers from carrying guns.
In an interesting yet unsurprising turn of events, Governor Cuomo and his party decided that people entrusted with the education and upbringing of children should also not be allowed to defend them if a shooter comes in with an AR.
Stripping decent people of guns isn’t going to stop mass shootings in schools.
It’s only going to exacerbate the issue when troubled, mentally insane kids that want to shoot up schools realize there is no one there to stop them. Armed guards, perhaps? Trained teachers? Nah, leaving them defenseless is fine.
All this new policy does is make schools more vulnerable to attacks and highlights that to every deranged individual that we keep pumping full of anti-depressants.
What’s the logic behind this move?
Well, Cuomo seems to think that this will help keep “unwanted or illegal” guns off school campuses. But an armed teacher is probably not the same gangbanger that’s bringing illegal full autos into classrooms. That’s more likely the shooter than the teacher. Most teachers would carry a small concealable pistol, like normal conceal carry holders.
So the argument of ‘unwanted or illegal guns’ is as stupid as his pretend love of the state he keeps siphoning money out of.
All these policies and laws do is make it harder for good people to do good. It doesn’t make it in the slightest bit harder for criminals or the insane to do evil. How will prohibiting teachers from carrying a firearm stop a criminal or a school shooter? It won’t. This is a political play, and a moronic one as usual.
The real danger to New York isn’t teachers being armed. It’s these insane left-wing politicians that want to erode everyone’s freedoms day by day.
And more and more good people will just want to flee the state in response.
If this country actually wanted to stop mass shootings we would stop looking at guns and start looking at mental health. Every single mass shooter has been screwed up in the head and on a plethora of drugs.
Better mental health, freedom from drugs, and a united purpose to live is what is needed to stop school shootings. Not disbarring educators from carrying guns.
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