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Yet another stolen South American election? No way José!
As expected, Biden is now out of the running for President in 2024. But is Kamala really going to take his spot?
So-called "red lines" in geopolitics are not always as they seem.
Is the buildup of the Bird Flu narrative an indication of something to come, or just your typical fear-mongering?
My take on various regional independence movements like Texit, Southern secession, and 'Yes California'.
Some thoughts on the recent Iran and Israel shootout: What does it mean for the people of the U.S.?
Don't throw away your life fighting for a political solution that is unattainable. Fight where the true victory lies.
Why are so many Americans like this? Why can't they just worship God instead of some Middle Eastern race?
On the future of Western Civilization itself.
Sharing a great write-up regarding the divide among young White Americans and the rest of the inhabitants of the Shopping Cart Empire.
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