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We're engulfed by degeneracy and evil. But when it seems like there is nothing left to fight for, we must remember the purpose of it all.
Unfolding the mystery of the newest conspiracy theory that turned out to be a spoiler alert instead: The Ukrainian Biolabs.
The White House says the invasion is imminent. Ukraine questions the West fleeing their embassies. What is going on?
Who the nation admires is a telltale sign of the stage of the cycle of collapse. Americans worship the market over that of the virtuous.
Wang Huning's observations on America. A Chinese CCP leader converts from individualism to Chinese nationalism.
So, how is that globalist free trade situation going?
Sharing a great demographic research tool: The Racial Dot Map. Look at the nation in terms of race with one dot representing one person.
We were free once. We will be again some day.
In anticipation for the new Census data coming out later this year, we look at current demographic trends. What is our demographic destiny?
Neocons push this moronic idea of "America being an idea". It's not. It's like every other country that has ever existed: a nation of people.
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