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The story of Anthem by Ayn Rand depicts the journey of a young man known as Equality 7-2521 as he lives in a dystopian collectivist future.
A timeless masterpiece detailing the horrific tragedies and ruthlessness of communism within the Soviet Union: The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
What your commie friend won't tell you. 55 reasons why socialism sucks.
A throwback book that everyone should read: Animal Farm by George Orwell is an evergreen book that is still worth a read to this day.
Looking for some outstanding Google Memo Memes to spread on social media? You've come to the right place. Click here for my favorite 20.
The Story of Stela Covaci. Stela was a victim of communism under the Communist Party of Romania in the 1950s.
Socialism has a clear incentive problem. What is it and how does it grow to become such a giant societal issue?
Looking for Reasons Why California Sucks? You've come to the right place. Let's expose the California Socialist Republic.
Have you ever overheard insane socialists talking about 'free access' and wonder how anyone believes in it? Me too. Let's talk about it.
The New American Economy Open Letter on Immigration was delivered to top politicians. Over 1470 economists signed it... but why?
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