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California cancels fall semester and no one cares. Nor should they care because their colleges are only teaching socialism anyway.
Democratic, totalitarian, socialist, or anarchic. Those are our current choices for governmental systems. But do we have to be this limited?
Mitt Romney is a democrat. No, seriously. The guy just runs on the Republican ticket even though he holds mostly Democrat beliefs.
The Republicans of today would have the Republicans of a previous era terrified. Modern republicans are the democrats of 20 years ago.
Are you interested in learning more about the cycle of collapse / anacyclosis? Then you'll want to start here for the anacyclosis circle visual aid!
There's a common argument that goes like "if you don't like socialism then reject your social security benefits". I discuss why this is a stupid argument.
Democrat politicians want to expand social security. Do they realize that social security is a Ponzi scheme that is set up in the same way as the Titanic? Of course they do. They don’t care. They just want to bribe votes.
The term "conservative" holds little meaning anymore. Have you ever wondered what conservatives are conserving? Me too. Let's talk about it.
Have you ever wondered if millennials lack sufficient levels of common sense? Then read this article showing exactly why 36% of millennials are idiots.
What is the difference between Universal Basic Income (UBI) and Negative Income Tax (NIT)? Are either of them good ideas? Spoiler alert: No.
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