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An open invitation to share your thoughts on the book.
Chapter 3: The Cycle of Collapse for “Enclavism: A New Government Designed to Conquer the Political Cycle of Collapse” By Kaisar
Chapter 2: The Legacy Options by Power Source for “Enclavism: A New Government Designed to Conquer the Political Cycle of Collapse” By Kaisar
Hashing out the concept of Blanquism, a subversionist theory created by Louis Blanqui.
Are we living in the post-ideological age?
There is an unequal effect when comparing capitalism and socialism, because both are based on different foundational principles.
Addressing the different economic systems that a state can choose from. On market economy, planned economy, and negotiation economy.
No, that is not what corporatism is.
On the problems of capitalist healthcare. Which can be just as problematic as socialist healthcare, but for very different reasons.
How quickly it all fell apart. The Venezuelan timeline walks us through how important guns are against centralization and for food security
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