Surprise, Surprise: Lockdowns Didn’t Work
To the absolute surprise of no one: lockdowns didn't work. So why did they occur and why are we continuing to live under similar lockdown-type mandates?
Please Stop Teasing Joe Biden
Hidin’ Biden continues to do what he does best. Hide.
You Already Know: Red States Outperform Blue States
It's happening yet again. And no one is surprised. Red states outperform blue states. Was there ever a time where this wasn't the case?
How To Stop The Riots In A Single Day
There is a very simple method for how we could stop the riots in a single day. It is obvious to everyone but no one wants to say it.
Democracy Sucks: Let’s Return To Contributor Voting
When the crackhead and the successful business owner have the same voting power, you know there is a problem. Democracy sucks. On contributor voting.
I Don’t See An Issue With Defunding Police In Democrat Cities
Many on the right are against the topic of defunding. But I'm not. I'm all for defunding police in democrat cities. Let them have what they want!
Have We “Atoned” For George Floyd Yet? Chicago On Fire… Again
Chicago is on fire again. It makes you wonder: Have we atoned for George Floyd yet? How many stolen Gucci bags until it counts as reparations?
Evil Fears The Truth: On Censorship
Censorship is coming to a town near you. Resist it. Speak the truth. Nothing is more powerful than knowledge: evil fears the truth.
Direct Democracy is Terrible: Protecting Representative Democracy
Alexander Hamilton said it best: if the electoral college is not perfect, it is at least excellent. Direct democracy is just terrible.
Whiplash: Yesterday Only The Cops Should Have Guns, Today ACAB
I think it's a great time to revisit the argument that "only the cops should have guns" given the recent riots, wouldn't you agree?
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