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I recently had the pleasure of doing a guest post on Amatopia. Stop by their website to learn the key points on staying authentic.
Stefan Molyneux nailed my feelings on the Susan Rice scandal. It's simply collusion between the mainstream media and corrupt politics.
The men of 1920s didn’t shy from confrontation. These men were held up to be successful leaders at work and at home.
"Kosovo is Serbia" and 'Kosovo je Srbija'. Why are Serbs fighting for Kosovo? What can we learn from their past?
Overcoming dependency is never an easy task. Especially when it involves our current nanny state and their bureaucrats.
When you think about the causes of obesity, do you consider the effect of culture? Let's take a look at this "culture of obesity".
Free speech is a fundamental concept of Western society. It is the single biggest influence on every other aspect of liberty.
When it comes to politics, our society is inundated with labels. But there are some significant problems with certain political labels.
By definition, intellectual independence means that your own thoughts and values have been guided by your own rationality. But how do we get there?
If you’ve been keeping up-to-date with health news, it’s no doubt you’ve seen the troubling news of the cultural decline of manhood and weakening of men.
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