Gandhi on Firearms and Gun Control
What is the stance of Gandhi on firearms and gun control? What's the importance of this topic and what do we know of his thoughts?
Animal Farm by George Orwell: Throwback Book Review
A throwback book that everyone should read: Animal Farm by George Orwell is an evergreen book that is still worth a read to this day.
The Tale of Stela Covaci: Life Under Communism
The Story of Stela Covaci. Stela was a victim of communism under the Communist Party of Romania in the 1950s.
“Don’t Go To College”: Seriously?
I chime in on the "Don't Go to College" mantra. Is it a helpful piece of advice for the future of the West?
The Peace Symbol is a Proto-Germanic Death Rune
Reality is greater than fiction. One of the most famous symbols in modern culture that signifies 'world peace' also symbolizes death.
Are Useful Idiots Responsible For Tragedy?
Who are the useful idiots? Are they responsible for supporting ideas with hidden malicious intent, even if they believe it is just?
The Liberal vs Conservative Mind
No political value is dictated strictly by a persons' politics. It's something deeper. How does the liberal vs conservative mind differ?
The Rise of Secularism
We sold our stable religious values for The New Morality™. What are the ramifications of this rise of secularism in the West?
The Fear of An Uncertain Future
It's alright to have the fear of an uncertain future. But you need to make it work to your own benefit by making it a driving force in life.
Socrates Quotes on Physical Fitness
We could use a little more Socratic thinking on the matter of fitness in the modern day. Here are some Socrates Quotes on Physical Fitness.
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