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Reviewing a key section from Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola - Historical insight on the life and death of civilizations
Is showing grace to the deceived even possible?
How 'good' gets silenced.
The American Nation lacks moral courage. A personal story about cultural differences between states, in-laws, and lacking fortitude.
Discussing the story that is often overlooked or hidden. Joe Biden and Maria Piacesi.
Stop using the term Judeo-Christian. It's not real. It never will be real.
Using two case studies, we explain why fortitude is the most important of the seven virtues.
A quick article on a cultural bell curve idea. My theory for how cultures change during the lifecycle of a nation.
The Unites States worships Moloch. Here is exactly how the baby killers murder children.
A rather large issue with Catholicism and the pope that needs to be addressed. Centralization: the killer of all once virtuous institutions.
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