A nation with a proper relationship to strength will not focus on conquest, but on temperance.
The Problem Of Evil: Christian Theories
Are you a Boydian, Augustinian, Irenaean, Isaiahic, or ‘other’? Reviewing some of the prevailing theories regarding the problem of evil.
Breaking God’s Law: The Futility Of Violence Against The Enemy
Let the beast destroy itself. When God desires to destroy clown world, he will enjoy that pleasure himself.
Modernity Provides The Opposite Of What It Preaches
Some thoughts on the lies of modernity.
To Be A Gentleman, You Must First Be A Man
It’s a common saying, but it bears repeating for a wider audience. To acquire the title of gentleman, one must first be a man.
Does America Have The Moral Authority To Criticize Russia?
The country with a corrupt president that sniffs children probably does not have enough moral authority to criticize others.
Who The Nation Admires
Who the nation admires is a telltale sign of the stage of the cycle of collapse. Americans worship the market over that of the virtuous.
Do Not Complain About Your Time
There is a purpose for your time here. Find it, do it, and thrive from it.
The Obedient Always Think Of Themselves As Virtuous, Instead Of Cowardly
Figuring out why the obedient always think of themselves as virtuous, instead of what they actually are: cowards.
Julius Evola on The Life and Death of Civilizations
Reviewing a key section from Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola – Historical insight on the life and death of civilizations