Sweden’s Taxes Are Insanely High: The Story of Mr. Swede
Not just high. Insanely high. Sweden's taxes are insanely high and no one above room temp IQ thinks this is a good idea or role model.
But Who Will Pick The Strawberries?
Reliving an old story from back in my graduate student days: when the economics professor asks: "Who will pick the strawberries?"
$2 Trillion COVID-19 Package Will Put Our Children Into Debt For Years To Come
This $2 trillion COVID-19 bill in the senate is pure insanity. Do they really think socialism will fix the economy they forcibly shut down?
The Economics of Toilet Paper During COVID-19
Get ready for econ 101 class. Time to tackle supply and demand: The Economics of Toilet Paper During COVID-19
The “If you don’t like socialism then reject your social security benefits” argument
There's a common argument that goes like "if you don't like socialism then reject your social security benefits". I discuss why this is a stupid argument.
“Let’s Expand Social Security!” Says The Fiscally Illiterate
Democrat politicians want to expand social security. Do they realize that social security is a Ponzi scheme that is set up in the same way as the Titanic? Of course they do. They don’t care. They just want to bribe votes.
All Debt is Bad Debt: The Only ‘Good Debt’ Is Paid Off Debt
There is a new trend to call many forms of debt as "good debt". Too bad that's just another ploy to get people to spend money they don't have.
An Argument Against UBI: Universal Basic Income
What is the difference between Universal Basic Income (UBI) and Negative Income Tax (NIT)? Are either of them good ideas? Spoiler alert: No.
Free Trade: Why It Is Bad For All Of Us
Free trade is bad for all of us. It lowers GDP, decreases our sovereignty, threatens the middle class, and raises income inequality.
How Rich Are The World’s Richest Families? Ridiculously
Have you ever asked yourself how much the Waltons make per minute? And how rich are the world's richest families, anyway?
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