Why don’t you just trust the science, you deranged conspiracy theorist?
How Bad Is American Indoctrination? Worse Than North Korea
At least in North Korea, you know it’s propaganda.
Journalistic “Integrity”: Vox Stealth Edits COVID Article
Vox presents yet another fine case of journalistic “integrity”. This time by stealth editing their prior COVID19 article that they lied in.
Private Media Is Simply Propaganda By The Wealthy
All private media exists as a mouthpiece for elites. For-profit media has never, and will never, be a tool of a “free press”.
Reason #5471 Why You Should Control The Media, Not Billionaires
Whoever thought for-profit media was a good idea? Yet another article on why you should control the media, not centralizers.
An Important Lesson In Defending The Narrative From Infiltration
Lessons from Occupy Wall Street. Why a successful movement must defend their narrative and reject all others.
Co-Founder Of Wikipedia Says Wikipedia Is Leftist Trash
On the hostile leftist takeover of information distribution sources. Prime target: Wikipedia.
Media Manipulation: Push A False Hoax Only To Slyly Retract It Later
An example of the media manipulation tactic of running a false hoax only to retract it at a later time that is convenient for them.
The Opinion-Molding Operations Part 2: Distortioners
How do they mold your opinions? How do they break the strong? A lengthy article on the subversive operations of moles and distortioners.
New York Times Asks For A Leftist “Reality” Czar
This is going to work great. A leftist reality czar. Truly, a phenomenal idea.