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What is happening to sports ratings and viewership counts? They're crashing. Hard. And it's all because of #BLM and their related anti-American sentiment.
Every single action we are taking in the fight against COVID is delaying herd immunity. This approach costs lives of those actually at-risk.
It is amazing how easily the fact checkers distort the truth in our nation. Here's yet another one of the thousands of examples.
What should we do in response when the democrats plot secession? My vote goes toward celebrating and preparing in return.
The demon is gone. Ruth bader ginsburg just died. A note to everyone with a moral compass: We can now celebrate!
It turns out we've been paying reparations for the past 150+ years without even realizing it. Crime is reparations... and we're all paid up.
The demands of BLM keep getting even more hilarious as the weeks go by. Defunding the police will be even more moronic than imagined!
Many on the right are against the topic of defunding. But I'm not. I'm all for defunding police in democrat cities. Let them have what they want!
Chicago is on fire again. It makes you wonder: Have we atoned for George Floyd yet? How many stolen Gucci bags until it counts as reparations?
Do not extend your principles to the enemy. They will only use it to further break you down. This is a lesson we can learn from recent events.
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