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This is going to work great. A leftist reality czar. Truly, a phenomenal idea.
You're going to be surprised how secretly based this song is, trust me.
When we're censored, they cheer. Because they want all of the power with none of the consequences. On the "Just Build Your Own X" philosophy.
There are a lot of lessons we can learn from the Trump and Q timeline. The most important being: Get Active. Do not wait around.
The republic was never designed to stop centralizers in the first place.
Ashli Babbitt: A martyr worthy of remembrance.
Centralization isn't just a policy of the left. Conservatives are centralizers, too. 2020 gave you all the proof you need.
Cheers to a Facebook and Twitter free future!
Slate still sucks, unsurprisingly.
The future is submission. On mask mandates and the need for an override vote law.
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