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I hope you got your vaccine. Because now you have to wear your three masks, social distance, and hide in your house again anyway.
Using two case studies, we explain why fortitude is the most important of the seven virtues.
The men of words continue to sit around and degrade the men of action. Meanwhile, the boot is on our neck.
In anticipation for the new Census data coming out later this year, we look at current demographic trends. What is our demographic destiny?
At least in North Korea, you know it's propaganda.
Repeat after me: John McAfee Didn't Kill Himself
The people on the right have lost their will to fight. A starting point to correct this? Stop giving money to people that hate you.
A study investigating the connection between leftism and brain damage.
The leftist takeover of the law arena is ongoing. Progressive prosecutors (rogue DAs) are at the forefront of this takeover.
Some good news! The COVID narrative continues to collapse and nosedive right back to reality. The Fauci leaks are helping significantly.
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