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The experts may have been wrong hundreds of times, but we still have to trust them. It's a tenet of our religion, after all.
Some thoughts on the lies of modernity.
A practical example on how to perform peaceful noncompliance.
Analyzing the real pandemic: the LGBT trends across generations. With an emphasis on how the LGBT Mafia has impacted Gen Z.
It took a Supreme Court ruling just to get them to fly the Christian flag. But they had no problem with others, such as the pride flag.
Recommending a documentary on the corruption within Big Pharma, along with their lackeys in Big Medicine and the government.
Trump holds the record for the greatest peacetime policy disasters in American history, but Biden is actively gunning for that top spot.
Roe V. Wade to be overturned. A politically charged leaker within the Supreme Court. Hoes mad. Coincidental timing. Moloch mad.
Discussing the mostly peaceful native Americans.
Under a globalist society, money can buy anything. Even the public square, apparently.
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