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My sincere condolences to Brazilians.
We the People of the United States... have fallen.
The ruling class lets the leftists run amok, riot, and attack us. But the ruling class will not let us do that.
A couple of video recommendations courtesy of Asha Logos.
If you are a dissident, you adhere to one of the 3Rs: Restoration, Reformation, or Revolution. Some are better than others.
The administration is so confident in their control that they are not even trying to appear legitimate anymore.
The libertarians and capitalists are tired of flooding our border with illegals for their god Mammon, so they're mutilating children now instead.
Reading stories from unlikely survivors of our moral depravity.
A deep dive into the degeneracy of the Weimar Republic.
Degeneracy: The process of deteriorating from a higher moral, physical, and intellectual condition to a lower undesirable form.
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