The Tale of Stela Covaci: Life Under Communism
The Story of Stela Covaci. Stela was a victim of communism under the Communist Party of Romania in the 1950s.
Our Government Policies Incentivize Obesity
There are far too many government policies that incentivize obesity. How can we stop it—Or, can we even hope to stop it?
75 Reasons Why California Sucks
Looking for Reasons Why California Sucks? You've come to the right place. Let's expose the California Socialist Republic.
What Happens When the Judicial System Becomes Politicized?
What can we expect to happen when the judicial system becomes politicized? Let's look at how it works in Europe to find insight.
Occupational Licensing Doesn’t Help Consumers or Individuals
What are the problems associated with occupational licensing? Is it a good or bad economic policy from an overall standpoint?
One World Government: Historical Reminiscing
Ever wonder where the term "One World Government" came from? Let's take a look at what made that term so popular and how it all started.
Problems With Democracy: Why Republics Fall Part 1
What are the Problems With Democracy? Read our article on why republics fall. Including a full list of 36 problems with democracy.
The Key Issue Of Illegal Immigration: Why Is It So Important?
The issue of illegal immigration is a topic well worth diving into. There are a lot of subtle pieces that most people don't consider.
Problems With Democracy: Why Republics Fall Part 2
Continuation of Part 1's Essay on Why Republics Fall. What's wrong with democracy? View our list of 36 Problems with Democracy.
Comprehensive List of Barack Obama’s Accomplishments For The Average American
Looking for Barack Obama's Accomplishments? You'll find them all listed here.
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