Polybius On Anacyclosis: Understanding Histories Book VI
Looking for more information from Polybius on Anacyclosis? We have the full text of related Histories VI text here with extra discussion.
“Let’s Expand Social Security!” Says The Fiscally Illiterate
Democrat politicians want to expand social security. Do they realize that social security is a Ponzi scheme that is set up in the same way as the Titanic? Of course they do. They don’t care. They just want to bribe votes.
State and Local Government Spend Most Of Their Money on Welfare
Did you know that state and local government spend most of their money on welfare? Combined with the federal government, they spend over $1 trillion a year. Tax money hard at work, supporting handouts.
What Exactly Are Conservatives Conserving?
The term "conservative" holds little meaning anymore. Have you ever wondered what conservatives are conserving? Me too. Let's talk about it.
Justification For The Diversion: Why We Need A New Government
We need a new government. All countries do, from Somalia, to Jordan, to The United States. Every modern form is outdated and unsustainable.
Government is Proven Corrupt Again and Everyone Pretends to be Surprised Again
WikiLeaks dropped some new information about the Douma chemical weapons attack in Syria showing the government is proven corrupt again.
What is Anacyclosis and Kyklos? A Journey From Ancient Greece to Modern Day US
From the ancient Greek wisdom to the modern day statistical analysis. What is Anacyclosis and Kyklos? And how do we stop it?
The Cycle of Collapse
The Cycle of Collapse is our theory on how governments descend from representation, to degeneracy, and finally to authoritarian control. How and why does this happen?
I’m As Surprised About Jeffrey Epstein’s Death As He Is
We're both completely shocked, truthfully.
China’s Social Credit Score is the Future of Socialism
China’s Social Credit Score is the Future of Socialism. And it is our future too, if we don't resist the socialist plague.
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