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The mainstream media has responded differently to the actions taken by free vs totalitarian nations. The media's love of tyranny is showing.
This whole thing is being overblown. It always was. Our response to COVID-19 is ridiculous and sets a dangerous precedent.
Tax revenue is not created equally. Some forms are much more damaging to the economy than others. So, which tax revenue options are best?
I don't know if you've noticed but there are mountains of evidence from the last 70 years proving that China is obviously evil.
A taxpayer funded resource is not free. Nothing is for free. This is a necessary distinction in the culture wars.
The Republicans of today would have the Republicans of a previous era terrified. Modern republicans are the democrats of 20 years ago.
Left leaning politicians always promise more free stuff. What they never promise is a cost analysis. Democrats cost too much!
Are you interested in learning more about the cycle of collapse / anacyclosis? Then you'll want to start here for the anacyclosis circle visual aid!
Looking for more information from Polybius on Anacyclosis? We have the full text of related Histories VI text here with extra discussion.
Democrat politicians want to expand social security. Do they realize that social security is a Ponzi scheme that is set up in the same way as the Titanic? Of course they do. They don’t care. They just want to bribe votes.
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